La la la la!
*Ahem* Oh, hi. Sorry, I didn’t see you there. I was just singing to my baby.
Yes, that was “singing”. Why do you ask? Because it sounded like a dying hyena? *Sniff* That’s a bit harsh don’t you think? Not harsh enough, you say? Oh dear.

Hubby and me doing karaoke at a friend’s wedding in 2010. Notice how far away the microphone is from my mouth? That was for public safety.
I love singing and I especially love singing to my baby. But to tell the truth, I’m pretty much completely tone deaf. That doesn’t tend to stop me though, so long as I’m not out in public. My favourite song for lulling Pumpkin to sleep is Rainbow Connection – and she always looks happy when I sing it to her.
Hmm, maybe we should get her hearing checked again. Or maybe she’s just as tone deaf as her mummy. Eh, whatever. I’ll keep serenading her until she learns that my caterwauling is nothing to smile about – or until somebody calls social services…
I usually try to pick situation-appropriate songs to sing to the baby. For example, when we flew to America, I quietly sang Leaving on a Jet Plane in her ear during take off and landing.
When we’re at the swimming pool, there might be a bit of Yellow Submarine, Under the Sea or Row, Row, Row your boat.
Bath time gets similar maritime-based music. One time, when Pumpkin was very little, in my sleep-deprived state I somehow managed to forget all the songs I ever knew, except for the Star Spangled Banner, Flower of Scotland and the Wheels on the Bus. So, since she was in the bath, I sang the Wheels on the Bath instead.
No, our bath does not have wheels.

See? No wheels.
Hubby, who has a much better singing voice (though that’s not necessarily saying much), is really good at making up songs on the spot, or altering existing songs to suit a situation. He somehow manages to make them rhyme, fit the tune and make sense.
Again, my musical deficiency means that I am pretty bad at this. But it doesn’t mean I haven’t had a go. A couple of weeks ago, I posted about my version of Old McDonald: Grandma and Grandpa have a farm, E-I-E-I-O. We sing that one pretty often and I’m pretty happy with it.
Of course, it’s not a very complicated change to the original.
Most of the other songs I’ve made up have been during nappy-changing time. Queen’s Fat Bottomed Girls gets changed to Soggy-bottomed Girl on a regular basis.
Soggy-bottomed girl, you make my rockin’ world go ’round.
Sir Mix-a-Lot has also made it to the changing table.
I like clean butts and I cannot lie
The other babies can’t deny
When a girl walks in with a cute little face
And some poop in her nappy space
Things get STINKY!
I’m pretty sure I warned you that I’m not good at this. But I do enjoy it.
This last one… well, I can’t really explain where it came from. It was April when I first sang it, so the fact that it’s based on a Christmas song is weird enough. I was exhausted and it was an especially foul nappy that I was changing. So maybe I was just trying to find my happy place.
Have yourself a merry little Poopmas
Let your poop be light
From now on our troubles will be out of sight.
Through the years we all will be together
If the poops allow
Hang a shining poop upon the highest bough
And have yourself
A merry little Poopmas now.
Yes, I realise that it wasn’t very grown-up of me. But by the time I got to “shining poop” I had myself in fits of giggles. I really probably should have gone to have a lie down… but instead I spent the next hour singing other songs to Pumpkin and changing strategic words to “poop”.

Maybe Santa Maul celebrates Poopmas…
What are your favourite songs to sing to your children? Have you made any up? I’d love to hear what more musically talented people sing to their kids (and let’s face it – everyone is more musically talented than I am!)

I’ve linked up with Super Busy Mum for the Mad Mid-Week Blog hop.
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