An outfit to remember – 16 Sept 2014

Welcome to my first linky!

Our little ones wear so many lovely outfits – they might be adorable, something worn to a special occasion, or simply something that makes you smile. Whatever makes each ensemble memorable, why not share it here?

Find out more about this linky.

My post

This week, my photo was taken just before we left for the Greenwich Tall Ships Festival. You can read my full review of the event by clicking the link, but one of my favourite things about the day was dressing Pumpkin up in a little anchor dress from Mothercare.

Greenwich Tall Ships Festival

The dress was given to us as a gift just after she was born, but it finally fits and was perfect for our nautical day out! She was also wearing a pair of ruffle-bottom tights and the dress came with a dark blue cardigan, but it was far too warm for her to wear it.

Join in!


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  • Please add the linky badge to your post (just copy and paste the code above).
  • Your post doesn’t have to include any words, but if you want to tell the story behind the outfit and share information like where it came from, even better!
  • Posts don’t have to be new pictures – I know I have plenty of outfits from when Pumpkin was younger that I’ll want to add at some point!
  • The linky will normally run on Tuesdays – since this is the first one, I’m letting it go a bit longer. So, it’s open now (12 Sept) and will stay open until 11:59 on the 16th.
  • I will comment on all submissions. Please comment on as many as you can, as well – at least two or three.
  • Please tweet about your submission, including my handle (@shannonagain58) and the hashtag #OutfitToRemember. If you do this, I’ll retweet.
  • Why not join in as well on Instagram? Use the hashtag #OutfitToRemember and be sure to tag me (@shannonagain58).
  • Consider sharing some of your favourite posts on Facebook or Twitter.
  • Please let me know in the comments below if anything doesn’t seem to be working right, or if you have any other critiques/suggestions. This is the first time I’ve ever done something like this, so go easy on me! 🙂

2 Comments on "An outfit to remember – 16 Sept 2014"

  1. Thanks for this lovely idea Shannon – really enjoyed writing this!

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  1. An Outfit to Remember | mrssavageangel

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