An outfit to remember – 7/10/14

Welcome to the fourth week of the Outfit to Remember linky. I love children’s clothing – whether it’s an adorable ensemble, something silly or the height of fashion. That’s why I started the linky – to share and remember my favourite things that Pumpkin has worn, and to swoon over the cute things that other people’s kids are wearing. So please join in!

My post

With the cold and windy weather this week, I thought I’d find a picture from the summer to remind me of all the glorious sunshine we had.


This little pink outfit came from my mum. I loved the floaty top and the adorable shorts. It was perfect for our first summer barbecue and it worked perfectly with the sun hat, which was provided by Pumpkin’s other grandmother.

Join in!


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  • Please add the linky badge to your post (just copy and paste the code above).
  • Your post doesn’t have to include any words, but if you want to tell the story behind the outfit and share information like where it came from, even better!
  • Posts don’t have to be new pictures – I know I have plenty of outfits from when Pumpkin was younger that I’ll want to add at some point!
  • The linky will run from Tuesday to Monday.
  • I will comment on all submissions. Please comment on as many as you can, as well – two or three would be great.
  • Please tweet about your submission, including my handle (@shannonagain58) and the hashtag #OutfitToRemember. If you do this, I’ll retweet.
  • Why not join in as well on Instagram? Use the hashtag #OutfitToRemember and be sure to tag me (@shannonagain58).
  • Consider sharing some of your favourite posts on Facebook or Twitter.
  • Please let me know in the comments below if anything doesn’t seem to be working right or if you have any suggestions.

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