An #OutfitToRemember linky


I am a complete sucker for children’s clothing and shoes. The designs, colours and adorable little extras like miniature zippers, colourful buttons, flashy buckles and tiny strips of velcro – not to mention pockets (what’s a baby going to put in his or her pockets!?), animal ears on hats and hoods, and ruffles on bums.

The downside to clothing for the little people in our lives is that they grow out of their sweet outfits way too quickly. So, I thought I’d start a weekly linky that allows us to share the things that our kids wear and which also provides a way to remember our favourites.

An #OutfitToRemember doesn’t have to be fashionable – or even co-ordinated – it just has special for some reason. For example, It could be:

  • Absolutely adorable.
  • Something worn on a special occasion.
  • A questionable combination – but one that your child picked out themselves.
  • Something that makes you smile – like the horrible mishmash that happened when you only had three pieces of clean laundry left (not that I’m speaking from experience or anything…)

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  • Please add the linky badge to your post (just copy and paste the code above).
  • Link up your blog post to the current week’s linky list.
  • Your post doesn’t have to include any words, but if you want to tell the story behind the outfit and share information like where it came from, even better!
  • Posts don’t have to be new pictures – I know I have plenty of outfits from when Pumpkin was younger that I’ll want to add at some point!
  • The linky will normally run on all day on Tuesdays (UK time).
  • I will comment on all submissions (sometimes this might take me a couple of days). Please comment on as many as you can, as well – at least two or three.
  • Please tweet about your submission, including my handle (@shannonagain58) and the hashtag #OutfitToRemember. If you do this, I’ll retweet.
  • Consider sharing some of your favourite posts on Facebook or Twitter.
  • Why not join in as well on Instagram? Use the hashtag #OutfitToRemember and be sure to tag me (@shannonagain58).
  • Please let me know if anything doesn’t seem to be working, or if you have any other critiques/suggestions/questions. This is the first time I’ve ever done something like this, so go easy on me! 🙂