My baby is ONE!?!

Before Pumpkin was born – and in the days and weeks after – there’s one bit of advice that stuck with me more than any other: “Enjoy every moment – it goes by so fast.”


The first time I got to hold her

I did my best to savour the little things, to document the first year and photograph it, to cherish the late-night feeds and early-morning snuggles, the toothless smiles and grumbly baby sounds.

one year collage

Red and wrinkly at four days old

But no matter how hard I tried to make every moment count, time still flew by.

1 year collage 2

How did this happen?

Now I’m sitting here, watching my gorgeous little one-year-old, and I’m still not entirely sure how we got here so quickly.

She’s so different from the little red wrinkly bundle we brought home from the hospital.


Our little Koopa-Troopa in her car seat for the first time.

Already so independent and curious, almost walking and chattering non-stop in her baby gibberish. She has also mastered the art of selective hearing.

I’ve lost track of how many teeth she has – when she laughs, her mouth already seems full of pearly whites. Her hair is growing so fast, I’m pretty sure you could see it getting longer if she’d just sit still.

Although she doesn’t sign consistently, she has definitely used the signs for “more”, “thank you”, “milk” and “finished” and she waves when she feels like it. She also mimics noises we make now – like meowing, bear growling and an elongated C-sound that requires her to scrunch up her eyes and clench her fists.

She had a fake sneeze for a while too – but she seems to have forgotten about that trick.

There’s also quite a little personality developing, complete with likes, dislikes and an odd sense of humour.


  • Movies: Tangled and Frozen
  • Foods: Banana, cheese and paper
  • Toys: Kitty, Ploddy and her maracas
  • Song: Old Mac Donald (sometimes changed to Grandma and Grandpa’s farm)

Her birthday balloon – she spent ages trying to figure out how it worked.

During her birthday weekend, we enjoyed pottery painting and took her for her one-year photos.


Fancy birthday dinner at Nandos – she loves chicken

On her birthday, we had dinner at Nando’s and she fell asleep before her birthday cupcake and the chance to open presents. We still sang happy birthday to her while she snoozed.


Rookie mistake

Then, she got to eat her cake and play with her presents the next day.


Sampling birthday cake

I still haven’t managed to finish assembling the play kitchen that we got for her though.


“What’s in the box, Mummy?”

I’m beginning to realise that a significant portion of motherhood involves assembling toys and flat-pack furniture.


Messy living room and partly assembled play kitchen

Happy birthday to my beautiful little girl. I can’t wait to see what the next year brings us, but if time could slow down just a little, that would be fab.

Binky Linky

My Life As A Mummy
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5 Comments on "My baby is ONE!?!"

  1. Beautiful photos. How does time go so quickly!

  2. Lovely post. With both my boys the time flew by, they are now 3 1/2 and 18 months and I don’t know where that time has gone. I’ve spent every day after Christmas and birthdays since Finley was born building things! I cherish every second but they fly by xx

  3. Gosh, it’s amazing how much they change in just one year.Crazy.

    She is so adorable.

    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

  4. aww bless, this will be me next month. I already look at the newborn photos and can’t quite believe I ever had a baby that tiny. Happy Birthday Pumpkin! x

  5. Happy birthday little one! It does go far too fast! Thanks for linking up to the #BinkyLinky

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