Blogger Christmas gift swap

I know, I know. Christmas was weeks ago now. I’m sorry to keep bringing it up. But we were away for three weeks. And then I ended up with the stomach flu and then there was the jet lag. So much jet lag. I’m finally, sort of, back on a reasonable daytime schedule now (although Pumpkin seems to think 2am is a suitable waking-up time).

So, anyway, I posted back in November about the blogger gift swap that was hosted by the lovely Viola over at A Piece of Viola. I thought it was a fabulous idea and promptly signed up.

A couple of weeks later, I got an email from Viola, introducing me to my gift-swap partner, Amanda from Chocolate Pages.

Amanda is a book blogger, mainly, although she blogs about other things too (like chocolate *yum*!) You should definitely go visit her blog!

She’s so sweet and very nicely agreed to put up with my special I’m-travelling-7,000-miles-at-Christmas-so-sorry-for-seeming-flakey needs, and we got to know each other through Twitter and our blogs.

We agreed on a spending limit and also put our shopping skills to the test by agreeing to only buy from charity shops – thereby stretching our budgets and giving money to a worthy cause at the same time.

It was so much fun learning about a completely new person and, while the only-buying-from-charity-shops thing was a bit of a challenge, it also made things a bit more interesting.


The package I sent to Amanda – I got a little carried away with the wrapping…


When Amanda sent me my package, she knew I wouldn’t be home for Christmas, and my original plan was to take the package with me to open on Christmas day. She even included a letter for Daddy-man, telling him what was included for the whole airport security thing.


The gifts were wrapped in adorable Winnie the Pooh-themed paper (I’m not sure there’s any way Amanda could have known that Eeyore is my favourite Disney character – but I loved the paper!).


Unfortunately, I’ve yet to figure out how to travel lightly with a baby in tow (is that even possible?), so I had to leave some things behind at the last minute, including the gifts from Amanda. They sat waiting patiently under our own Christmas tree until I got home last week.

After a nap, a bath and a Domino’s pizza, I was feeling fairly human again and decided to work my way through my last few Christmas gifts.


The first thing I opened was a pair of cosy bed socks. They have Mickey Mouse’s face on the sides and Pumpkin loves to play with them. They also match the pyjama bottoms that I bought in America.


There was also a lovely cinnamon-scented candle – which I thought was funny because I sent one of those to her too! A bath set, which included a toast-shaped sponge and delicious-smelling strawberry soap in a jelly pot. Finally, there were two pieces of Scottish tablet and a piece of fudge (Daddy-man ‘helped’ me eat these – they were delicious!)

Thank you so much to Amanda for the lovely Christmas gifts, and to Viola for organising the swap. I had a great time doing this and will definitely look for something similar to do again next year!

1 Comment on "Blogger Christmas gift swap"

  1. Glad you liked your gifts, and how good that Eeyor is your fav character. We must have been in good sync to both get cinnamon candles! Mine is nearly all burnt out and smelt gorgeous.
    If your readers would like to see what I received from you, they can look here –
    Glad you had a lovely Christmas, and it was lovely to ‘meet’ you and be your swap partner.
    Wishing you, Pumpkin and Daddy Man all the best for 2015.
    Amanda. x

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