Christmas is coming…
Being American, I normally don’t acknowledge that fact until after Thanksgiving. Even after ten years living in the UK, that’s a rule I’m just too stubborn to break.
But, for ten minutes while I write this post I’ll have to pretend that it’s after Thanksgiving. Because… well, I don’t want to miss out on the Secret Santa fun!
One of my favourite Christmas traditions is Secret Santa. When I was little, my massive extended family did a Secret Santa style gift swap (although we never called it that). As kids grew up and family scattered a bit more across the country, the tradition slowly disappeared – and I remember being really disappointed the first year it didn’t happen at all.
But, then I started working and realised there was a whole new opportunity for Secret Santa-ing. When I was 17, I organised my first Secret Santa for the veterinary clinic that I worked at, and there have only been a few years since that I haven’t been involved in one way or another with a Secret Santa.
Until last year, that is, when I started working from home. I felt a bit jealous of hubby as he shopped for his gift and I offered to wrap it and write the name tag – partly to throw the recipient of the scent (that’s what I told hubby anyway), but also to be involved, at least in some small way.
Earlier this year, when I started getting more involved in the blogging community, I thought that a blogger Secret Santa might be something to try. One of my friends took part in a Secret Santa with her online community last year and it looked like a lot of fun. Especially since it comes with the added excitement of getting something in the post!
For quite a while I thought about how I would host a parent-blogger Secret Santa, but in the end, I had a moment of low self-consciousness about my blog. It’s still in its early stages. What if nobody saw the post? Or joined? I was afraid of being ignored – well, drowned out – so I didn’t do it. “Maybe next year,” I told myself.
Anyway, luckily somebody else has done it for me! The lovely Viola over at A Piece of Viola has started a bloggers’ Secret Santa and she wants us all involved – so long as we’re in the UK. It doesn’t matter if you’re a parent blogger, a lifestyle blogger, a food blogger or focussed on something else.
So, here’s how it works:
- Go check out Viola’s blog – A Piece of Viola
- Fill in the Google form document – here’s the link.
- Write a blog post about the event within three days of receiving confirmation.
- Send a couple of nice gifts to your paired blogger by December 17th.
- Write a post about your gifts (must include photos) after you have received them.
- Send Viola links to all of your blog posts so she can see how the event has gone!
Here are the dates for the swap:
- November 28th: Deadline for completing the submission form.
- December 1st: Find out your blogger pair, yay!
- By December 17th: Send off gifts to your blogger pair
You can get in touch with Viola on Twitter & Instagram (@violahelen_) or email her at And use the hashtag #apovgiftswap on Twitter or Instagram to connect with others!
I haven’t participated in that many secret Santa’s before, but the few I have done in my work place have been really good fun. I love all the photos you have here, especially the lovely Christmas trees. I’m getting in to the festive spirit now, hope you are too. ( now Thanksgiving is finished!)
Amanda. x
Thanks, Amanda! Now that I’m done with work for the week, I can finally start thinking about this properly. I’m looking forward to it!