B&W photo project: March 2014

I’ve loved going back through old pictures and re-visiting them, editing them and sharing them each week as part of both the Black and White Photography Project and My Sunday Photo linkies.

But, I’ve realised that there’s no way I’m ever going to catch up by doing just one photo a week. I’ve been doing these posts for eleven weeks now and I think last week’s photo was of Pumpkin at about six weeks old.

So, this week, I’ve done a blitz of photos to finish off March. I’ll probably keep doing this for the next few weeks so I can catch up. In order to keep with the spirit of the linkies, I’ll choose a favourite each week to feature.

This week, it’s a picture of Pumpkin and Daddy-man.

TV watching

I love this photo so much. It was taken in the morning – I’d gone back to bed for a while and came in to find them watching TV together like this. She’s so tiny here with her sock-covered hands and they both look so content together.


dangling feet

This happened a few times when she was about six weeks old – I’d put her to bed “feet-to-foot” and come back to see her having scootched-down a bit, with her feet hanging out the bottom of the cot.


I remember thinking, when I took this photo, how strong her little neck and arms already were at six weeks to push up so much.

sling library

This was after our first trip to the sling library. I went home wearing a Hana wrap and was completely sold on it. It was so lovely ‘wearing’ the baby: she was happy and comfortable and so was I – plus, I gained back a little mobility.

Hello World

I took this photo specifically for my very first blog post. I thought the Hello World hat was very fitting – and it looks like she’s waving.

out like a light

I love this look she has when sleeping

looking around

“Where are we going, Daddy-man?”


 photo 4d06e438-4e6a-4f3b-88b2-0c1093350397_zps361ad0e9.jpg

19 Comments on "B&W photo project: March 2014"

  1. Fab shots, I notice though in the first one the remote is well and truly out of her reach! 🙂 #bwphotoproject

  2. Beautiful captures for you to treasure.

  3. oh wow i am so totally loving these pictures .. in fact i am now broody, big time! xx

    • Aw, thank you. Sorry for the added broodiness. Maybe we mummy-bloggers should come up with a broody-warning for our posts? This one is definitely Broody-level red. 🙂

  4. Gorgeous pics! The cot one did make me laugh!

  5. Such beautiful photos. I’m all broody now. 🙂

  6. Gorgeous photos, I love a baby in a sling!
    Becky xx

  7. Such a cutie! My fave is the one where Pumpkin is sleeping. Lovely =) #mysundayphoto

  8. OMG! I want one! Gorgeous photo’s!

  9. That is a beautiful collection of photos, love the one with her feet sticking out the bottom of the cot 🙂 #bwphotoproject

  10. Beautiful photos, I love looking back over old photos

    Thank you for linking up

  11. What beautiful photos of your little Pumpkin. I especially like the sleeping one – so adorable and the one of her sitting next to her daddy – love photos like this where they just look so very tiny. The one with her feet sticking out of the cot made me smile – my eldest used to do this a lot! 🙂

  12. Those photos {especially that first one} are sooooo cute! Loved everyone of them. x

  13. Eek. Look how tiny she is. Love those photos, especially the one where she is sleeping! #mysundayphoto

  14. Great photos. I love the 6th photo best where she’s asleep but they all look gorgeous in b&w. #bwphotoproject

  15. Grace says – She looks soooooo cute. I love the one where she’s watching TV with her Daddy. #bwphotoproject

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