B&W photo project: tiny hands

I’ve been doing these posts for seven weeks now and have made it to Pumpkin being a month and a half old. I’m never going to catch up…

bw handsI love those tiny little hands…

 photo 4d06e438-4e6a-4f3b-88b2-0c1093350397_zps361ad0e9.jpg


25 Comments on "B&W photo project: tiny hands"

  1. Such cute little hands. Lovely photo 🙂 #MySundayPhoto

  2. A beautiful photo. I love their hands at this age, fingers always stretching, curling and pointing.

  3. They are lovely indeed! Made me remember my son’s little hands before =) #mysundayphoto

  4. I love love love the gorgeous little dimples babies get where knuckles should be. So precious!

  5. There’s just something so gentle and adorable about a little one’s hands.

  6. What a lovely photo! So cute x

  7. Beautiful timeless photo

    Thank you for linking up

  8. I used to love seeing the size difference between my babies hands and mine…Well I still do but they are getting closer in size a little too fast for my liking!
    Great photo

    • I made some prints of Pumpkin’s hands around the time this photo was taken – I should go get those out and compare… but I’m a bit afraid to. She’s growing up too fast!

  9. Cute photo – is she counting her tasks of the day I wonder? 🙂

  10. Oh baby hands are so adorable. Beautiful photo 🙂

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