B&W photo project: a real smile

A few weeks ago, I posted a photo of Pumpkin’s first smile-caught-on-camera.

Buuut, I’m not sure it was a ‘real’ smile. At least, she wasn’t smiling about any external stimulus.

This, however, was the first picture of an actual smile that I caught on camera. She was about six weeks old and I was behind the lens making all sorts of funny sounds and faces.


I had forgotten about her “Shakespeare hair” phase until looking at this again today. It really brings out the shape of her head. 🙂

But, I do love this photo.

 photo 4d06e438-4e6a-4f3b-88b2-0c1093350397_zps361ad0e9.jpg OneDad3Girls


30 Comments on "B&W photo project: a real smile"

  1. That’s definitely a smile, you can see it in her eyes. Gorgeous photo x

  2. Oh bless, very cute photo xx

  3. It’s a lovely smile, very cheeky. Love the hair too, my son didn’t have an ounce of hair till he was about 18 months! He makes up for it now with a proper mop 😉 #bwphotoproject

  4. that is a cute shot!

  5. Ah that is a gorgeous picture 🙂 I think we had to wait until 9 weeks for the first proper “definitely not just wind” smile!

  6. A lovely photo. A stunning smile too =) #mysundayphoto

  7. What a great portrait shot – I get the sense she is thinking ‘mum, you’re so funny’

  8. Aww! What a cutie! Lovely photo x

  9. That’s such an adorable smile. I reckon that’s a properly real one 🙂

  10. Aw, proper smiles are the best 🙂 She looks gorgeous and B&W really brings out her eyes #bwphotoproject Jess x

  11. A gorgeous smile and I love your comment about the Shakespeare hair!

  12. What a special moment to capture – and what a beautiful smile.

  13. Beautiful photo and a great moment to remember

    Thank you for linking up

  14. If only we knew what she was thinking – great shot and a great (and proper) smile #bwphotoproject

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