B&W photography project: first photo

black and white topper week 1

This is my first week participating in the Black and White Photography Project. I’m actually a big fan of black and white photography and over the months since Pumpkin was born, I’ve edited many photos to black and white.

So, I’ve decided to take a trip down memory lane each week and work my way up through her earliest days up to the present. I’m sure I’ll eventually catch up, but until then, I’ll enjoy reliving the precious moments.

BWPP week 1

Although we took many photos of Pumpkin in the hospital, Hubby actually took the earliest ones because I was suffering other medical issues. The first time I got to hold our little cherub (other than a few fleeting seconds after giving birth) was about 24 hours after she was born, and just before I took this photo.

I’m pretty sure this is the first photo I took of her – it may not be a great image in technical photography terms, but it is very dear to me.

There’s a sock covering her right hand because she had been in the special care unit and hooked up to an IV. I love how her left hand is clenched in a defiant little fist – she was already feisty at just a day old. 🙂


 photo 4d06e438-4e6a-4f3b-88b2-0c1093350397_zps361ad0e9.jpg

The Black and White Photography Project

7 Comments on "B&W photography project: first photo"

  1. Awww what a gorgeous photo.

  2. I also saw my son about a day or maybe half after he was born. Amazing moment for me and I am sure for you too =) #bwphotoproject

    • Thanks for your comment. It was hard not getting to see her, but I was in no condition to care for her. I must have sent my poor husband to check on her 500 times.

  3. Oh that is such a gorgeous photo. Beautiful baby x

  4. the first pic is always the most important, it must have been a worrying 24 hrs for you at the time. .

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