B&W project: November 2014

As always, I’m playing catch-up with my black and white photographs – I’ll eventually get to the current week. But for now, here is a selection of photos from November.

My favourite from the month is this one. I think it’s a technically good photo (exposure, focus, etc), but it also make me smile – that’s Pumpkin’s “I-really-want-to-take-this-hat-off-but-I-know-I’m-not-supposed-to” look.



Family selfie on Fireworks night in Blackheath


Sleeping on the sofa with Lilleplut (her tabby cat from Ikea – it’s probably her favourite stuffed toy).


In the ball pool at Mini Montessori


I love a hood with ears!


Daddy-man in front of a very nice door, somewhere in the Bank area of London.


I was so impressed when she learned she could carry things in her mouth when she crawled… until I realised it meant she looked a bit like a puppy. 🙂


Her first shampoo mohawk


Mummy-baby selfie on a train into London. We were off to find Paddington bears.


Tyrannosaurus-rex has nothing on the Pumpkinraptor. Rawr!


Something about her expression here reminds me so much of my grandpa.


My little Pudsy Bear.

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2 Comments on "B&W project: November 2014"

  1. Aw what lovely photographs of your family 🙂 x

  2. Gorgeous photos – those little eyes are so expressionate in that first one and I love the one in the ball pool too 🙂

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