Ever since she was born, Pumpkin has been making me smile with pretty much every movement she makes. After nearly five months of looking at her almost nonstop, even her smallest movements are still delightful.
A couple of months ago, Hubby asked me what my favourite thing was that the baby did. I thought about it for a long time, but couldn’t decide on just one thing. Every time I thought of something, another bit of cuteness popped into my head. So here’s a list instead.
Smiles – I wish I could have known which smile was her first real smile. Like most mothers, I probably attributed far too many gassy grins for true smiles, but she’s a pretty happy baby and every time she beams up at me with that toothless grin, my heart breaks a bit.
Laughter – She doesn’t fully have the hang of laughing yet, but she gives some pretty good chuckles – particularly when playing Super Baby. Sometimes, though, they sound a bit on the sarcastic side. A half-hearted “Heh heh”. I can already imagine her teenage eyes rolling at me.
Snoring – In the early days, her snoring sounded just like a kitten mewing, and she snored a LOT. There were also a few instances where she sounded like an angry bear. In any case, it was adorable and I could sit and listen to it for ages. She doesn’t snore nearly as much any more, but when she does, I melt.
Sneezes – What I’ve loved about her sneezes since the very first one is that they sound like a proper “ha-choo”. Plus, her little face crinkles up and she looks surprised about what just happened.
Snarting – This is Hubby’s and my term for a combination sneeze-fart, and they always made us giggle like school children. They’re pretty rare now, but I’ll never forget my husband’s commentary on them: “It’s a good thing this is something we learn to control”. (Pumpkin will probably someday hate me for mentioning this one, but don’t worry, honey. All babies do it.)
Holding my finger – While she’s grown out of her ‘crazy monkey strength‘, as we called it, C still likes to hold our fingers and she often falls asleep with my finger in her little fist.
The wiggles – She can really get to wiggling sometimes, especially kicking her little legs. So much so, that she ends up looking slightly worried about how and why her body’s moving so much. Then she smiles and wiggles some more.
Bobble head – This has almost faded away now, but gosh, it was cute when she couldn’t fully support her head and she ended up bobbing around.
Vocalising – From her first faint little coos to her much louder squawks, our little girl has a lot to say and I love the sound of her little voice.
Blowing raspberries – This is a recent development, but it certainly makes me laugh.
Kisses – Okay, so she may not ACTUALLY be giving me kisses, but sometimes I’ll give her a kiss on the cheek and she’ll reciprocate by putting her open mouth on my cheek, drooling and making what I interpret as a “mwah” sound. I’ll take it, and I’m sure REAL kisses aren’t far away.
Crazy sleeping positions – I think this photo speaks for itself.
Hello there, I really enjoyed reading this-I still love every move my little man makes, even when he is having a very public meltdown! What a lovely post and what a gorgeous girl! x #magicmoments
Aww, thanks! It’s amazing how every single movement can seem so important, isn’t it?
Suddenly it all came back to me when my son is this small. A really really nice moment in spite of all the sleepless nights =) #magicmoments
Having a tiny baby is hard work, but it’s so wonderful too! Thanks for the comment.
awww what a beautiful list of magic!!
thanks for linking up with #MagicMoments xx