What is it with babies and socks? I know Pumpkin is not the only child who insists on liberating her feet from shoes, socks or whatever items might be covering her tootsies.
And why stop at her own feet? She loves to pull on my socks when she’s playing on the floor. She steals clean socks from the laundry basket. She picks up Daddy-man’s dirty socks from the living room floor and tries to eat them. She even tried to take another baby’s socks off last week at Sing & Sign.
With cold weather just around the corner, I knew I was going to have to find some way to keep her feet covered up. I don’t want my baby having cold toes all winter just because of her penchant for bare feet. But, I didn’t want to have to keep her in onesies all the time either and I figured duct tape would probably not impress the health visitor.
So, I called on the mummy bloggers of Twitter for suggestions and the lovely Kay over at Mummy’s Blog mentioned Sock Ons.
@shannonagain58 we have the same problem. Someone told me about ‘sock ons’ but we haven’t tried them x
— Mummy’s Blog (@mummysblogUK) October 6, 2014
I headed to Google and looked them up. Sock Ons are little pieces of fabric that go on over a baby’s socks – supposedly holding them in place. I was a bit skeptical, but for a couple of pounds, I figured it was worth a shot.
Browsing the company’s website, I also discovered that they offer another product called Mocc Ons. I fell in love with these immediately. They’re like little baby moccasins combined with a pair of knee socks.
Best of all, they come in a fabulous range of designs – including sneakers (these look a lot like Converse All-Stars) in a rainbow of colours, as well as ballerina slippers and cowboy boots. They were all so adorable and I had trouble choosing which ones to get, but settled for the pink trainers.
I had originally planned on ordering the Sock Ons and Mocc Ons from Amazon, but the shipping was going to be more than the cost of the products. I mean, come on! They’re little baby socks! How much could shipping be?!
So, instead, I ordered from Hippy Chick. The ordering process went smoothly, shipping costs were reasonable and delivery only took a couple of days.
When the items arrived, I was excited to open up the bag and start using them – I’d already put the same pair of socks back on several times that morning.
Although the Sock Ons were the reason I found the company at all, I actually let out an audible squee when I saw the Mocc Ons. I immediately went to Pumpkin’s room to find an outfit to go with them.
It didn’t take me long to figure out that it’s best to put the Mocc Ons on before the trousers. This ensures they get pulled up really high. As you can see here, they go almost to her knees, so there’s a lot of grip to prevent her from taking them off.
They go really well with her little jeggings! And she wore them all day without liberating her toes – but not for lack of trying!
She’s worn the Mocc Ons a lot since we got them and has only managed to pull them off a couple of times – and it definitely requires her to work hard to succeed. We also get loads of compliments about them and I think they’ll be great for when she’s walking too.
The Mocc Ons have leather soles and can be thrown in the wash with the rest of the laundry, which is definitely a plus. They’re also available in sizes to fit children up to three years old, so I think we’ll probably be getting another pair in a few months when she has outgrown these.
It took us a few days to get around to trying the Sock Ons. Partly because I was still skeptical, but also because I was too in love with the Mocc Ons to put anything else on her little feet.
They slip on really easily and didn’t seem to constrict her feet at all – something I was worried about.
Best of all, they seemed to work. I don’t know why they work (magic maybe?), but those socks stayed on for the whole afternoon. And so has every other pair we’ve used them with so far.
I’m really impressed with both of these products and am so glad to have found them. Adorable, affordable and they work! What more can you ask for?
At least the battle against cold feet is one I can say I’ve won. So, I guess that makes the score Mummy 1, Baby 3,490,375.
Do you have any recommendations for keeping baby’s feet warm and cosy in the cold weather? I’d love any other suggestions!
OMG – The Mocc Ons! They’re amazing! I’m glad the Sock Ons worked, I’ll have to take my own advice and give them a try xx
I still can’t get over the cuteness of the Mocc Ons. Thanks again for the tip!
What clever ideas and the MoccOns look fab. I lost so many socks when my boys were tiny as I didn’t realise they had been kicked off when we were out and about until too late #TriedTested
Aww! Those Mocc Ons are just so cute….and those Sock Ons are a genius idea….So simple but effective!
It’s so great when something simple and inexpensive works! Thanks for the comment.
Sock Ons and Mocc Ons are amazing – they really do work! We have several pairs. Thanks for linking up with #TriedTested
We’ll definitely have to get a few more pairs of each. Love them! Thanks for the linky.
What a fantastic idea – we have a thing about left socks in this house, so I’ve a house of odd socks… those mocc ons are so cute!
I’m pretty bad about odd socks for myself – mostly because I can’t always be bothered to match them up and then am struggling to find a pair when I need to go out. Eh… who sees your socks anyway?
The Sock Ons seem to at least have stopped Pumpkin’s cold toes though!