I’m a proud mummy tonight, as Pumpkin figured out how to crawl – forwards – today.
She has been scuttling around backwards for a couple of weeks now, and she mastered what we’ve been calling the ‘commando crawl’ about the same time. But proper forward crawling had alluded her until today.
Yesterday, at Mini Montessori, I thought she was going to manage it in the soft play area. She’d start to take a ‘step’, but flattened down on her tummy every time and then pulled herself wherever she wanted to go.
But today at Sing & Sign, she did it. I think the carpet gave her the traction she needed, and she was off – after a book no less! (My little literary rugrat!)
I don’t think she fully understood what she had done and when we got home, she scuttled around on the floor for most of the afternoon while I waved toys at her, just out of reach (that seems kind of mean, now that I think about it).
The motivation that she needed to finally get going was when Daddy-man got home. She was really excited to see him so I put her down at one end of the hallway and she crawled a few paces towards him before flattening down again.
I’m pretty sure this is one of those times that I, as a new mummy, say how excited I am for my little girl and how I’m looking forward to seeing how her newfound skill changes how she explores her world.
Meanwhile, the been-there-done-that mummy crowd stands back, arms crossed and making mild tsk-tsk noises. They know that by the end of the weekend, I’ll be pulling my hair out and longing for the days when I could put the baby down somewhere and know she’d be there when I came back.
Oh well. Go ahead and snark, you more experienced parents. I’m can’t wait to see what she gets up to now that she has discovered mobility!
Love the title of this post and how cute is pumpkin! Thanks for linking up to the #binkylinky
YEY – that’s so exciting. The milestones are just brilliant, I bet you were one HAPPY MUMMY x Ax
It really was amazing! Thanks for commenting.
Yay go pumpkin!!! Urgh I can’t bare no it all mummy’s, always something to say! We went to sing and sign too, loved it x
Wow, what an achievement. My own toddler never bothered going backward. He just went forward from day one.
Best Wishes
It really frustrated Pumpkin that she could move around but not go where she wanted. Well done to your little one for skipping that part – but it probably meant that you were having to chase him around that much sooner!
LOL the gamer in me loves the title of this post!
As a first time mum myself my advice is to enjoy the excitement of her newfound skill, it’s an incredible milestone and deserves to be celebrated. Don’t listen to any of the tsking… but also invest in a play pen.
Ah! One step ahead of you there. We got a playpen a couple months ago. Pumpkin’s usually alright in it and she’s happier in it now that she can move around effectively. Glad I could please at least one gamer (besides Hubby) with my title!
Magic moments :o)
What a lovely post, thank you for sharing your ‘Littlies’ achievements with us – made me smile
Take care, Kimmie x
Oh, thanks for your lovely comment. I’m glad we could bring a smile to your day.
I had no issues with Grace starting to crawl at all! I loved it – it is the walking part you need to look out for
Thank you for linking to PoCoLo
Ha ha! When Pumpkin was a newborn, I thought things could only get easier. How wrong I was! Crawling… walking… apparently there’s a CLIMBING phase too. *sigh* at least I’ll be getting some exercise!
Thanks for the linky!
Well done! It’s great when they finally master it isn’t it – though now you have to watch them like a hawk!
It is great. But wow she’s fast… and curious…
Yay! Go go baby! I think the phrase my mother in law said to me when my first started crawling is “now you’ll know you’ve got her!”
Just imagining how it would have been when she was crawling backwards
Motherhood is always wonderful and there are lot more steps awaiting. :), She must be keeping you incredibly busy now. There is a saying in Tamil ” Until 6 months (well, say it until they start moving), even a devil can be a great mother, but the actual fun begins only when they learn to move” and may be that’s when we will become devils sometime because they test our patience out. 
That’s a really good saying – definitely true!
Every moment should be celebrated and shouted from the roof tops, no matter what number baby you are on. Enjoy it, even the knowing she will never be in the same place again parts lol. Well done little lady x
Oh, we’re definitely enjoying it… just a little more exhausted than before!
Love this, my little one is getting very speedy on her knees now!!
It doesn’t take them long to master a new skill once they figure it out!
OOohh this reminded me of how I felt when my son did this as well! Amazing milestones that will just lift up any parent’s mood =) #magicmoments
It’s really amazing to witness her learning and achieving new things. Definitely lights up my days!
there is no going back now, only forwards and upwards, enjoy every minute!
Oh, upwards is definitely a scary prospect… she’s enough trouble moving forward on all fours! But we’re definitely enjoying watching her explore her world.
Mine went through the commando phase too. Excellent way to describe it, incredibly funny and have you seen this?
Probably to late now though. Yay for that!
Ha ha! I have seen the baby mop before. It’s great. Hubby’s desperate to get one of those Roomba vacuums. Maybe I can convince him to get this instead.