My poor blog has suffered a bit this week and I’ve not written nearly as many posts as I would like to. So now, I’m playing catch-up. Sorry for bringing up Halloween again. I know it’s sooo last week.

Pumpkin dressed as a pumpkin, sitting next to a pumpkin and chewing on a… skeleton. This was taken at Mini Montessori
I love Halloween. I love it even more now that we live in an apartment building with lots of kids. They squeal in delight at our decorations and we even get a few trick-or-treaters. A whopping total of five this year. That means we have an excuse to buy lots of candy (just in case more show up).
Usually, I decorate a week or so in advance (technically, we’re not supposed to have decorations outside, according to the building management company, so I avoid putting anything out too soon). This year, however, the decorations went up on the 30th. Pumpkin helped by chewing on the plastic chains and rolling the skulls around on the ground.

Alas, poor Yorick. She knew him, Horatio.
I tried to get her to pose with the decorations. But now that she’s mobile, getting her to sit anywhere for more than a couple of seconds is basically impossible – and I’m just not fast enough with my camera.
See the wreath on the door? My mum brought that on her last visit. There’s a tombstone in the middle that says RIP.
The day I put the decorations up, I had the front window open and could hear the kids talking about the decorations.
One of the little boys, looking at the wreath asked the others what it said. A girl replied, “I know, I know!” excitedly. Then slowly, as if she was sounding out the letters said: “Hap-py Hal-lo-weeeeen.”
The others were satisfied with the answer and they ran off. I went to the door to make sure I wasn’t mis-remembering what it said. Nope. No “Happy Halloween” anywhere to be seen.
On the 31st, Pumpkin had a Halloween party with her Sing and Sign class. She dressed up as a witch and I tried and tried to get a photo with her in her hat. She’d pull it off almost immediately. These were the best I managed.
The party was good fun. We learned new signs like monster and witch and ghost. The teacher was dressed in a massive pumpkin costume – well done her! And the baby slept for about three hours after!
Then on November 1st, we headed to Blackheath for the fireworks. This is one of my favourite events and we go almost every year. Last year was the only time we’ve missed it since we first started going – but, I was heavily pregnant and it was raining.
This year, it was clear and not super cold. We bundled up and headed out. Pumpkin fell asleep on the way to the train station, but she had a good power nap and woke up when we arrived in Blackheath. It was perfect, actually, because she usually goes to bed around seven, but she was awake and happy for the fireworks, which began just after eight.
Hubby and I got chorizo sandwiches for dinner from a food stand that was set up on the Common. Pumpkin had a warm bottle and a couple of rice crackers, but I’m pretty sure she would have preferred some sausage too.
Then, we bought her a light up wand. The thing flashed a LOT and she was mildly amused by it. I’m going to put it away so that she can use it next year too (yes, I’m aware that’s something most parents say – and few manage to actually do).
Then it was time for the show. Blackheath has been named one of the best fireworks displays in London – and this year didn’t disappoint. Although, there was some sort of technical failure half-way through and the show paused for about five minutes.
100,000 people standing on the dark, looking around at each other as if to say, “Was that it?” It really would have been a fizzle if it hand ended where it did. Just as we were about to give up – we’d started getting the baby back into her pram – the explosions started again and the show ended with a good ol’ bang.
Our local fireworks display was tonight. I love that we can watch the show from the comfort of our living room. It’s probably not as impressive as it is in person and the photos I took are absolutely rubbish. But I was in my PJs, a sleeping baby in my arms and a radiator on in front of me, so I was okay with it.
How were your Halloween and Bonfire night this year? I’d love to hear about how you celebrate – share in the comments below!
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