Horrible Histories: Spies at the Imperial War Museum

Just before we left on holiday, Pumpkin, Daddy-man and I spent a morning at the Horrible Histories: Spies exhibition at the Imperial War Museum.


Look at the excitement in Pumpkin’s sleepy little eyes… 🙂



The Imperial War Museum was originally a site of Bethlehem Hospital – the institution that was also known as ‘Bedlam’. Stepping into the recently refurbished venue is very impressive, with hanging fighter planes, a rocket, a tank and a chunk of twisted metal from the World Trade Centre


I say that the three of us went – but only two of us were conscious for most of the time we were there.


To be honest though, Pumpkin was a bit young for the exhibit anyway, so her sleeping through it meant that Daddy-man and I got to take our time looking at the items on display and trying out the various activities.


As we walked through the exhibition, we learned about various spies throughout history (mainly from the world wars). We were also given a sheet of paper that we could put into embossing devices located throughout the area – each one revealed a secret image that answered a question.


The exhibition was just like stepping into a Horrible Histories book – with the same style of illustrations and off-the-wall facts that kids love to hear about.


Some of the items on display: 1. A pair of fake feet for planting footprints (these were called sneakers!): 2. An enigma machine, 3. Two substances that can be used for writing secret messages (we were invited to smell them…), 4. A fake passport for Hitler – a forger made this to showcase his skills. The Fuhrer’s occupation is listed as ‘painter’ and his distinguishing feature is ‘a little moustache’!

Rats were a recurring theme throughout the exhibition. The character that seemed to narrate many of the displays was a particular focus on exploding rats – which was an actual thing that spies and members of the resistance used a lot.

The rat illustrations were very cute and, while the thought of exploding rats is pretty disgusting, it’s also interesting – and I’m sure something that would definitely grab a child’s attention.


1. A poster explaining the incendiary rats, 2. A blueprint for how to make one (the steps are pretty easy: get dead rat, insert explosives, light); 3. An interactive floor display where you could step on ‘live’ rats for a splat or an explosive rat for boom.



I think big blonde hair, John-Lennon glasses, bushy eyebrows, red lipstick, hat and a pipe are a good look for me – oh and the goth-kid coloured skin, of course!

I particularly enjoyed one activity that let me add Horrible Histories-style accessories to a photo of myself to create a disguise for a wanted poster. The finished images were displayed on a screen nearby and they even offered to email a copy to me when I finished.IWM-colage-9

Meanwhile, Daddy-man went exploring and powered a telegraph machine with a bicycle. Pumpkin hung out with a paratrooper.

At the end, we got to test ourselves on what we learned in the Are You a Super Spy quiz. Apparently, I didn’t pay enough attention – and only achieved the status of a Devious Double Agent (although I still think the answers I gave were perfectly fine).

Hubby, however, got all the answers right so was given the title of Super Spy – it also pleased him terribly that he did better than me.IWM-colage-4Pumpkin woke up just as we were finishing our quizzes, so I managed to get one picture of her with her eyes open. We then left for a walk through the South Bank Christmas market – with a quick stop on our way out for one more photo of the museum looking lovely in the sunshine.


Unfortunately, the Horrible Histories: Spies exhibition is over now, but I really enjoyed it and would definitely go back for other events – especially ones like this that are aimed at kids.

And, although I’ve been to the Imperial War Museum twice now, I still haven’t had a chance to really look at any of the permanent displays, so I want to go back again at some point to do that too. Oh, and there’s the Churchill War Rooms, which I’d also like to visit at some point too.

The Imperial War Museum London is located a short walk from Waterloo Station. It’s open every day from 10 to 6pm except December 24, 25 and 26.

Disclaimer: I received a free family ticket to the Horrible Histories: Spies exhibition – all opinions are my own.

4 Comments on "Horrible Histories: Spies at the Imperial War Museum"

  1. What a great exhibition and very how cute that Pumpkin was asleep for most of it. I think it would have been a bit beyond Tin Box Tot at the moment as well. I’m glad you had fun though! #MummyMondays

  2. That looks like it was a fun day out and sounds like you and the Daddy-man enjoyed yourself (and Pumpkin had a lovely nap!) 🙂

  3. looks like a fun exhibition and really nice you got the time whilst baby slept to have a look properly! I love museums and things like this that have like a task/activities to do whilst you go round.

    Thanks for linking up!! #MummyMonday

  4. Such a great post and looked like such a wonderful fun day out too 🙂

    thankyou for joining in on #mummymonday – love Gemma (host) xo


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