Oh, hello there! Let me just go ahead and turn on the lights… brush off the cobwebs… straighten this picture frame…. Ahhh. That’s better.
So *ahem*, it’s been a while. Sorry about that. How are you doing? If, that is, there’s anyone there at all… hmmm.
Well, what can I say? I took a bit of a break from blogging. It wasn’t planned. Everything just got to be too much and not-blogging felt so good. So I kept doing it. Not-blogging.
I’d only planned to not-blog for a couple of months. But in the blink of an eye, it seems that more than a year has gone by without a peep from me.
It turns out that I’m a really good not-blogger. Like, professional level. People should pay me to not-blog.
That’s not to say I haven’t been writing. Since I last blogged, a lot has happened. I quit a terrible job that had weighed me down mentally for more than seven years, and then I became a freelance writer (and occasional editor). That means I’ve actually been writing quite a lot. Just not here.
Going freelance has been one of the best choices I ever made. It was a risk and it was scary, but it was also necessary. Even a year and a bit later, Hubby regularly mentions how much happier I am now – and I know it has made a difference to how I spend time with my family. I even went on holiday WITHOUT my laptop. Plus, our house is SO MUCH cleaner (but still messy) and my bank balance is slightly healthier too (although, still rather anaemic).
In any case, I’ve decided to give up not-blogging and pay some attention to this site again. While I love writing for my freelance clients, I miss writing for myself. Writing without a brief, about anything I want. With incomplete sentences and tangents and my own personality woven into sometimes-wonky paragraphs.
The focus of this here blog is going to change a bit too, as I’m going to step away from the mommy-blogging. Pumpkin is a smart, funny, beautiful and strong-willed little person these days. But now that she’s at school, I’ve been discovering myself again (at least for 6ish hours each weekday).
I feel like I need to give her some breathing space online and focus on me and the things I want to do. Besides, there are so many wonderful bloggers out there already who do a much better job writing about motherhood than I ever did.
Of course, that’s not to say that I won’t not-blog about my family, but the focus will be on me – what I’m doing and how I’m improving me. There’s a LOT of material to cover on that front.
So, what will I be writing about? Well, probably a big mix of things – all in a general vein of how I’m trying to become more organised, more creative, more healthy and with a cosier home. I’ll throw in a bit of travel wherever possible and maybe some nice food stuff too.
Basically, I’m trying to get my shi…stuff together, and I’m taking this blog along with me for the ride. You’re invited to come too.
Here’s to not not-blogging again soon!
Finally!!!! I always look forward to where your mind has been and where it’s heading.
Yay I’m so glad you’re not “not blogging” anymore! I can’t believe Pumpkin is at school now. Where has the time gone!?
Awesome that you’re back to blogging. I’ve missed your writing. Would love to see some of your creative work here.
Yaaay! My blog is so totally broken even the hubby can’t fix it and I miss it so much. I’m so glad you’re happier now after taking the leap. And yaaay to moving forward from mommy blogging! I feel the same. There should be a category for women who are mothers but don’t want to write about that much
(that’s not called lifestyle – what does that even mean). Hope you enjoy your new found verve xxxx
Yay, both you and Vickie have returned to blogging this week and that makes me super happy. Mine’s been neglected for a while (other than sponsored posts I hosted for some extra moulah) – I’ve been thinking about reclaiming it but not sure what route to take. Mummy blogging doesn’t really appeal to me so much anymore either. xx
Ahh! So glad to see you have decided to give up not blogging. hehehe
Welcome back x