I’m sorry, Slimming World. Please take me back

I’m starting to feel really frustrated about my attempts at weight loss.


(She says as she polishes off what must be her fifth Drumstick stolen from the box of Halloween sweets)

First there was Tesco Diets – the low GI plan – before I got married. I lost about three stone in the run-up to the wedding. Then gained it all back within six months.

Then I tried Slimming World. My weight went up and down on it for a while. During my pregnancy, I stayed basically the same. That meant when I weighed in after giving birth, I was about 2 1/2 stone down from before I got pregnant. That all came back (plus some) within the first six months of being a new mum – even though I stuck to the plan rigorously.

Over a month ago now, I decided leave Slimming World behind and have a go at meal replacement shakes. This did NOT go well. The shakes were delicious. I could drink them all day long. But that’s part of the problem. And I never felt full, or even satiated, after drinking them. A couple of hours later and I’d be snacking. On terrible food choices.

I do have to give the shakes credit though: Hubby has been using them and he’s doing really well. He attributes this to working in an office and not having free access to a fridge full of food whenever he wants (which I do). He’s super-hungry by lunch time and again by dinner. I, on the other hand, get hungry and just wander into the kitchen, open the fridge and start shovelling the food in.

A couple of weeks ago, I gave up on the shakes and have been trying to decide what to do next. I can’t be left on my own to ‘just eat healthy food’ I need some sort of plan to stick to. A tool to help me make better decisions.

I tried signing up for Tesco Diets again. The service is free now, which is amazing. But, I found the meal planner a bit hard to use and since the baby has been a bit on the fussy side, so I rarely have time to sit down and use the computer to really figure things out. It’s not going to work for me. At least not right now. I am going to go back through and write down some of my favourite old recipes though.

So, I’ve decided to give Slimming World another go. But this time, with an online membership. I’ll miss the social aspect of the meetings and image therapy, but there are no groups that I can make it to easily any more (not without having to take a bus).

I’m not convinced that it’s going to work for me this time. But I need to do something. I’ve seen for myself the great success people can have with Slimming World, so I think I just need to figure out how it works for me.

Maybe a bit of portion control, or reducing my Syns allowance? (I know they say you shouldn’t have to do this). I’ll give it a few weeks on the actual plan before I make any adjustments though.

I’m starting again on Monday – which is my first day back ‘at work’ – so it should be interesting. But, might as well make the big changes all at once. Will need to do some proper shopping again.

Since I won’t be able to go to meetings, I’m going to write a post here every Monday. Maybe that will help keep me motivated too.

I’m not going to set any lofty goals or anything. Every time I do that, I fail and just feel worse about myself. One day at a time, I guess. And two litres of water a day.

Wish me luck (again).

15 Comments on "I’m sorry, Slimming World. Please take me back"

  1. Good-luck! So hard, especially this time of year when there are so many holidays. Have you tried a daily food journal to write down what you eat?


    • Thanks. I’ve done food diaries for SW in the past. They do help, especially if I make sure to write things down before eating them. Makes me a more mindful eater that way.

  2. Well done for doing the hardest part; deciding something needs to change. How you do it, and what works for you is a personal thing, but just putting it all out there is the hardest part done! Honestly.
    I’ve had a modicum of success with SW and I know not having the accountability of a group would have been hard so if you ever want to bounce ideas off someone I’m totally here for you. If you’d rather email me my address is lisajsavage@gmail.com.


  3. Well done for getting back on that bandwagon – I do a weigh in on my blog every Monday too so pop by there’s tons of support in the blogging world so we’ll keep the social side going for you

  4. Getting back on the wagon is the hardest bit but it is so worth it. I’ve found Weight Watchers great, lots easier to follow than how I found Slimming World. Best of luck with it!

  5. Good luck, I hope you succeed :]

  6. Good luck lovely! You can do it! And there are lots of other bloggers out there who are in the same position! Keep going and you will get there!

    Thank you for linking up with the #WeekendBlogHop

    Laura x x x

  7. Hey! Good luck, hun. I am on the same boat as well. I was running during the summer and now just shoving foods without exercise or some sort of control. 🙁

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