Linky: My Week at a Glance 3/4/15

Hi everyone! Welcome to the My Week at a Glance linky!

I’ve started co-hosting the linky with Liz from Working Mummy and Wife. She’s been a bit busy with other things lately, so her blog has had to take a back seat (I know how that can be!), so you’re stuck with me for now. 🙂

Last week

I know there wasn’t a linky last week, but thanks to everyone who linked up the week before.

Despite no actual link up last week, I saw that the lovely Cuddle Fairy posted anyway. (Thank you, Becky!)


Her post covered the battle of the boogers last week, as her daughter had a nasty cold. Hopefully that’s all cleared up now. She also reviewed a delicious-looking cake. Mmm. Cake. And there was also a really lovely photo of her youngest’s hands holding a bottle. It absolutely did not make me feel broody at all. Not even a little bit…

Now, onto this week!

The rules

Don’t worry. This bit is simple:

  1. It runs from Sunday to Saturday each week
  2. Link up a post using the form below. Please make sure the link goes to your post and not your home page.
  3. The post should be a visual re-cap of the week before. Collages work best – and if you’d like a free tool to make great collages online, I recommend Fotor (it has apps for your phone too).
  4. Add the badge to your post. (See below for the code)
  5. Try to comment on as many other posts as in the link-up as you can (as well as the hosts’ posts). At least two would be good, but the more, the better. Remember, the more you comment, the more likely other people will visit your blog. It’s a scientific fact.*
  6. Share your link up on Twitter using #myweekataglance. Be sure to tag me @shannonagain58 and Liz @workingmumwife. That way, we can retweet and help promote your post even more!
  7. Oh yeah. Have fun!

(maybe not actually science)

The linky

The badge

And, here’s the code for the badge (Hopefully it works, but sometimes the HTML gets moody. Make sure you get all of the code and please let me know if it doesn’t work.)

<div align="center">
<a href="" title="Shannonagains - My Week at a Glance">
<img src="" alt="Shannonagains - My Week at a Glance" style="border:none;"/></a></div>

Have a great week everyone!

5 Comments on "Linky: My Week at a Glance 3/4/15"

  1. Hey, look at little Cuddle Fairy! Thank you so much for featuring me 🙂 xx I was ready to roll last week too – I really enjoy writing My Week At A Glance – unfortunately, we have had little sleep and gone through lots of tissues. Thank you for the app suggestion. I have been using Moldiv, which I really like. But, this week it decided to throw a little credit to itself at the bottom of my picture which I didn’t like. Thank you for hosting #MyWeekAtAGlance xx

    • Your logo is adorable! I realised after I posted that I got confused about which your latest post was – and I actually “featured” this week, rather than last week’s. Sorry about that! I’m pretty sleep deprived today, so I’m going to use that as my excuse. 🙂 Have a great week!

  2. Thank you for hosting; I was confused and didn’t know where the hell I was posting – I found you in the end though! xx

    • Sorry if it was confusing. I’m taking care of the linky right now for Working Mummy and Wife, as she has other things going on and had to step back from her blog. Glad you found it eventually!

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