Lunch at Vintage Lindy Lou’s

Vintage Lindy Lou's in Crayford

I’ve been wanting to pay a visit to Vintage Lindy Lou’s ever since I noticed it in the middle of Crayford’s Waterside Gardens some time last year.

Vintage Lindy Lou's in Crayford

To be fair, I’ve been a bit busy since then, what with growing, popping out and raising a baby. But since it was Pumpkin’s six-month birthday yesterday, we decided to treat ourselves to lunch at this cute little tea room.

Vintage Lindy Lou's in Crayford

She was very excited.

It’s situated in the middle of a small and lovely park and next to the river Cray (apparently, they had a bit of a flood scare with all the terrible weather last winter, but luckily made it through relatively unscathed).

Vintage Lindy Lou in Crayford

There’s a nice little path that meanders through the area and it’s lined with a combination of wildflowers and grassy spaces.

Vintage Lindy Lou in Crayford

Plus, there’s the river itself, which can be a popular attraction for locals – I’ve often seen children fishing from the near-by bridge and wondered if they ever actually manage to catch anything.

Vintage Lindy Lou in Crayford

Upon entering the brick building, you’re immediately transferred back to another time.

Vintage Lindy Lou's in Crayford

The walls are decorated with period wall paper and painted in once-fashionable colours like sea-foam green, and there is a variety of bunting, jewellery, trinkets and china on display – most of which is for sale.

Vintage Lindy Lou's in Crayford

An eclectic mix of tables and chairs give the space an old-timey, quirky ambiance, and even the staff are dressed in a vintage style.

Vintage Lindy Lou's in Crayford

Hubby and I chose a table in the corner with a red and white polka-dot tablecloth and, since Pumpkin was asleep, we just rolled her pram up next to the table.

Vintage Lindy Lou's in Crayford

Before she was born, we called her Lentil – because that’s how big she was when we first found out about her. My how things have changed!

We arrived fairly early in the afternoon – about 12:30 – and although it wasn’t busy when we got there, the place filled up quickly and I think we were lucky to get a table. (It’s probably a good idea to make reservations, especially for Saturday lunch.)

Vintage Lindy Lou's in Crayford

The menu offered a selection of sandwiches, jacket potatoes, an all-day breakfast and cakes, as well as an option for afternoon tea and scones. There were a number of teas on offer in addition to various coffees, hot chocolate and cold drinks.

Vintage Lindy Lou's in Crayford

We ordered our food and had a good look around at all the items on display. I’m pretty sure you could visit the shop every week and spot a new detail each time you visit.

Vintage Lindy Lou's in Crayford

Behind hubby, there was a vintage floral dress from the 1950s. Next to it was a photograph, as well as a note explaining that the dress was the same one being worn in the picture – I love details like that and it really helped to bring all the history a little bit more to life.

Vintage Lindy Lou's in Crayford

Hubby’s tea was served in a gorgeous old teapot and he reported back that it was very nice (I just had a bottle of water).

Vintage Lindy Lou's in Crayford

I think he felt the need to posh himself up a bit, since he was drinking proper tea from a ceramic teapot while wearing a football top – so he popped his little finger up as he sipped.

Vintage Lindy Lou's in Crayford

Note the posh pinky

The sandwiches arrived next – served again on happily mismatched china. They were simple sandwiches – no fancy bread or exotic fillings – but they were tasty.

Hubby made several yummy noises over his tuna mayo, explaining that it had just the right amount of mayonnaise (apparently, he believes that most places put too much).

Vintage Lindy Lou's in Crayford

Don’t worry. Hubby was given a whole sandwich – he just wouldn’t wait for me to take a picture before he started eating.

My cheese and pickle was also delicious.

Vintage Lindy Lou's in Crayford

We had to wait a while for our cakes to arrive after we finished our sandwiches, but it was certainly worth the wait.

Vintage Lindy Lou in Crayford

Our sharing platter, which was served on a sparkling glass cake stand, included two half-scones with jam and cream, as well as a slice each of carrot cake, Victoria sponge, lavender cake and lemon cake. All were very tasty, but the scones were definitely my favourite.

Vintage Lindy Lou in Crayford

While we were finishing off our dessert, Pumpkin woke up. I offered her taste of frosting from my finger and she quite enjoyed that. I then gave her a very small bit of lemon cake – she wasn’t so sure about it, but I thought it was perfect. You can’t really trust a six-month-old on such matters though. 🙂

Vintage Lindy Lou's in Crayford

Untrustworthy when it comes to opinions of cake.

Overall, I’d say that Vintage Lindy Lou’s is a great little tea shop with good food, friendly staff and a lovely atmosphere. The menu is affordable and it’s also a kid-friendly destination. We’ll certainly be back.

Vintage Lindy Lou's in Crayford

Vintage Lindy Lou is open Monday to Saturday 9-5 and closed on Sundays. However, the hours are subject to change, due to special events so it’s probably best to call ahead of time. Find out more by visiting their website or liking them on Facebook.

Vintage Lindy Lou's in Crayford

Note: I am in not affiliated with Vintage Lindy Lou, nor was I paid or reimbursed in any way for this review. All opinions stated are my own. (That said, I’m always available for free cake!) 🙂

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