Making dinner in 3 easy steps when you’re on your own with a grumpy baby*

*Actual results may vary

Babies are fickle creatures. For example, one might want dinner but scream bloody murder if you try to put her down to actually prepare the meal. This issue is, of course, exacerbated when you’re on your own – such as a Friday night when your other half has social plans.

Not that I’m speaking from experience or anything…

So, here’s my three-step strategy to dinner-making success. No promises that it’ll work in your house though. 🙂

Step 1: Insert baby in playpen


We love our Lindam/Munchkin playpen

Okay, she might start screaming when you put her down. Quickly, now! On to step two…

Step 2: Put on a Disney movie full of songs


Tangled is the go-to in our house, although Frozen is coming in a close second these days. I’m pretty sure the flat could fall down around her and she wouldn’t notice once one of these is on the telly – at least for the first 45 minutes or so.

Step 2b (optional): Pour yourself a drink

dinner-2bCoffee, tea, wine, a G&T, a couple of shots of vodka. Whatever works for you. I had a Diet Coke. I know.

Step 3: Make dinner


Ignore the dirty hob and pile of dishes – that’s a problem for Future You. And don’t get too fancy about what you make. Babies don’t need a gourmet feast every night. And who’s she going to tell that Mummy made sketti and clementines again?



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Binky Linky

7 Comments on "Making dinner in 3 easy steps when you’re on your own with a grumpy baby*"

  1. ahh the good old playpen and movie trick. It is safe to say that was a well used plan in my house. Even now when we are busy making dinner we put Dinsey Jr on for them.

    Got to love Disney as a distraction tactic lol

  2. Brilliant! Distraction is definitely the best policy in this situation – especially Disney, you are always on a win then. Thank you for linking to #PoCoLo x

  3. I was distraught when it turned out that my daughter wasn’t that keen on sketti. I mean, good grief. Luckily, she definitely likes Disney.


  4. Hello there, o I did enjoy this! And I particularly like the pouring yourself a drink. We too use films as a distraction to varying degrees of success, it’s the Croods at the moment though am looking forward to giving Tangled a go too! x #binkylinky

  5. Sounds like you’ve got a great plan! Thanks for linking up to the #BinkyLinky

  6. Ha love the Disney distraction technique. Unfortunately I have a baby who is not interested in TV (I know..weird!) so I resort to giving lots of pots and pans to bash around and throwing piece’s of cucumber and cracker over the baby gate to catch 😉 #MBPW

  7. My word we need a play pen!
    We use Charley Bear as a distraction – god less that bear!
    Great post 🙂

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