A few weeks ago, I was tagged for the Liebster award by the lovely Herself, over at Kidding Herself.
Kidding Herself is a children’s guide to going out – written from a child’s perspective.
Thanks to Kidding Herself, I’ve learned about a number of places in London that I’d like to take Pumpkin when she’s a bit older. So, if you’re a Londoner with kids, definitely have a look. (But have a look anyway, because her posts always fun to read).
The rules
So, back to the business of the Liebster, which is all about the number 11, apparently.
I’m supposed to:
- Answer 11 questions posed by the person who nominated me.
- Write 11 new questions for the people I nominate.
- Nominate 11 people.
See? Eleven.
Here we go.
Answers to the questions from Kidding Herself:
- When did you start blogging and why? – I started this blog in March of last year after Pumpkin was born. I wanted to document life as a new mummy. I also wanted to build a blog I could eventually make money from and maybe turn it into a job.
- Give us your top blogging tip – Have fun! Make sure you enjoy what you’re writing. If you aren’t enjoying what you’re writing, why are you doing it at all?
- Have you done anything because of blogging that you wouldn’t have otherwise done? – Yes. I’ve gone to a couple of events: the Benihana BeniGirls Bash and I spent a morning learning about teething and eating lots of cake, thanks to Camilia. I’ve also tried a variety of products I wouldn’t have tried otherwise. And, recently, Pumpkin and I were also invited to see a play in Greenwich.
- Recommend one place to go for a day out near you. Why that place? – Greenwich is one of my favourite places in London and we go pretty regularly as a family. There’s the market, where you can get something lovely to eat. There’s the big park, the observatory, the Maritime Museum and the river.
- Tell us about a memorable day out when you were a child – I grew up in California and I remember my parents whisking me and my best friend off in the middle of the night to take us to LA for a weekend at DisneyLand. They’d planned it so well, but didn’t tell us where we were going until we got there, so it really seemed like an adventure to us.
- What is your pet hate? – I’m a bit of a grammar geek, so it really annoys me when I see people making the really common mistakes – its/it’s, you’re/your, etc.
- Summer, spring, autumn or winter? – Autumn.
- What would your spirit animal be? – Three-toed sloth.
Image credit: Stefan Laube (Tauchgurke), posted on Wikipedia
- Are you a cat person, a dog person or do you prefer fish? – I love cats and dogs (fish are fine too), but if I had to choose, I’m a definitely a dog person.
- Name a historical figure who interests you. Why that person? – It’s hard to choose just one. Shakespeare’s pretty interesting. The fact that he wrote so much and is such a big part of culture, but we know so little about him.
- 50 Shades of Grey: yes or no? – Not for me.
11 questions for my nominees
- How did you decide on your blog’s name?
- What’s your favourite blog post that you have written?
- What’s your favourite colour?
- Coffee or Tea?
- Who is your favourite Disney Princess?
- Where would you go on holiday if money was no object?
- Which TV/movie/book character do you think you are most like and why?
- What did you have for breakfast?
- How do you unwind after a difficult day?
- If you could send yourself a Tweet to the past, to when would you send it and what would it say. Remember the 140 character limit!
- If you could have the power of invisibility or the power of flight, which would you choose and how would you use it?
I nominate…
There are so many fabulous blogs that I read on a regular basis, so it’s hard to choose 11. If I tag you, please don’t feel like you must take part – as long as you know I think you’re pretty awesome, that’s enough.
- MrsSavageAngel
- Tinyfootsteps
- A Pocketful of Dandelions
- Tinbox Traveller
- Northumberland Mam
- CuddleFairy
- Working Mummy and Wife
- Blog by MummyBio
- Little O and Me
- Run Jump Scrap
- Into the Glade
Have fun – and if you join in, be sure to let me know so I don’t miss your post!
Ahh Thank you for the nomination! I have done a couple of these in the past but will happily answer your questions in a post
Oh, sorry for the double nomination – but I look forward to reading your answers!
Thank you so much for thinking of me. I’ll definitely take part! I love your 11 questions. They are so creative!!
You’re very welcome! Glad you enjoyed the questions.
Thanks so much for the nomination lovely! I have done one of these before but one more won’t hurt :). That trip your parents arranged sounds so magical, such an adventure!
Becky xx
There do seem to be a lot of these posts circulating lately! That trip was quite an adventure – I remember being a little nervous too, going out in the middle of the night so mysteriously like that made it seem like we were running away from something.
Great answers – and I like your questions too.
Oddly enough, I can live with apostrophe abuse, and I can’t spell for toffee myself so I have to overlook that, but I have actually written a stiff note to a supermarket chain about their misuse of ‘less’. We all have our language sticking points.
I am wildly jealous of your Disney trip – what a great thing for your parents to do to make it so special. Very very cool!
Thanks – and thanks so much for the nomination! Sorry it took me so long to reply!