My Week at a Glance linky: 19/7/15

Hello! Welcome to the #myweekataglance linky. Another week has gone by way too quickly!

I co-host this linky with Liz from Working Mummy and Wife. So be sure to go over and check out her blog too!

Last week

My favourite post from last week came from Chronicles of a Thirsty Daddy – who is new to our linky.

Thirsty Dad

I loved reading about Thirsty Daddy’s first trip to the Minor League ballpark with his younger daughter. It brought back some good memories of my own and it looks like they had a really great day out. (And a pretty epic-looking cotton candy!)

Linky rules

Don’t worry. This bit is simple:

  1. Link up a post using the form below. Please make sure the link goes to a specific post and not your home page.
  2. The post should be a visual re-cap of the week before. Collages work best – and if you’d like a free tool to make great collages online, I recommend Fotor (it has apps for your phone too).
  3. Add the badge to your post. (See below for the code)
  4. Try to comment on as many other posts as in you can (as well as the hosts’ posts). At least two would be good, but the more, the better. Remember: the more you comment, the more likely other people return the favour. It’s a scientific fact.*
  5. Share your link up on Twitter using #myweekataglance. Be sure to tag me @shannonagain58 and Liz @workingmumwife. That way, we can retweet and promote your post too.

(*maybe not actually science)

The linky

The badge

Here’s the code for the badge. Be sure to get all of it and please let me know if it doesn’t work.

<div align="center">
<a href="" title="Shannonagains - My Week at a Glance">
<img src="" alt="Shannonagains - My Week at a Glance" style="border:none;"/></a></div>

Have a great week!

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