1. I’ve been trying to get her to eat plums for ages. Normally, I cut them up into little pieces. She took this whole one out of my hand and spent half an hour eating it.
2. Threading blocks (with holes in the middle) on a wooden spoon – she spent about 45 minutes quietly doing this. It was bliss.
3. Standing on the bed and looking out the window.
4. Sitting in a box that should be full of toys.
5. Making banana muffins.
6. Bowl-head.
7. Sleeping after Mini Montessori (note the sprawl and sticker on the face).
8. Reading the Metro and waiting for the train like a proper little Londoner.
9. Daddy-man hoovering her off after a rice-based dinner.
Out and about
We didn’t get out much this week, although there was a family trip to see the dentist on Wednesday. Pumpkin was really well-behaved and let the dentist really examine her teeth and gums (much more than she ever lets me do!)
He said all of her teeth, except for the very back four) have all pushed through and that she’s well ahead of where most babies are at this age. Apparently, that will mean teething will be relatively easy for us, as it’s harder for older toddlers to deal with the pain. So I’m very grateful for that. Daddy-man and I made it with a good report from the dentist as well, so we all left happy.
Yesterday, we went to the craft store! I always enjoy that. This time, we were looking for various items to use as toys for Pumpkin during our trip the US in a few weeks’ time.
Fun at home
We’ve been busy at home. Pumpkin has started to enjoy some more quiet-play activities. One of her favourite games is threading blocks (with holes in them) on to a wooden spoon and playing with her ‘donut stacker’ toy. It’s so relaxing when she sits doing those activities.
She has also started ‘hiding’ from me by toddling into the bedroom and arranging herself behind the curtains (feet sticking out the bottom, of course) and then giggling until I come to find her. It’s adorable.
On Friday, we did some baking in the morning. It didn’t go quite as smoothly as our first attempt with Annabel at Tickle Fingers – but we still had fun.
Time for me
As usual, I’ve been terrible about this. My free time has been mostly working on switching my blog over to its new template. There are still a few bugs to iron out, but we’re getting there.
My favourite moment was…
She started giving proper kisses again last night. We’ve had a few months without kisses, as she prefers to give us “smooshy face”. But, last night, she was giving me kisses – really wet, slobbery, licky kisses – and it was lovely.
This year last week in photos:

1. Funny look in the pram.
2. Her first trip to the swimming pool.
3. Sofa time with Daddy-man.
4. Mummy-baby selfie.
5. Riding in the pram – I loved that hat.
6. Portland Timbers top and chubby thighs *squee*.
7. Modelling one of my favourite outfits.
8. Snoozing.
9. (US) Mother’s Day flowers.
Wow, I’m so impressed with Pumpkin at the dentist! She’s so good. That’s really great that she at the plum whole, it’s a novelty rather than having it cut into pieces. Your blog is looking great! I’m in the middle of reorganizing mine
#myweekataglance xx
Looks like another goodun. I like your blog template! Really nice. Glad all was good at the dentist. My girl still has quite a few more teeth to come yet! Think the dentist will be fun. The piccys are really cute. I wish my girl would eat fruit. She’s ok with her veg but fruit it just no!! x
Love the bowl head picture. My son has a habit of sticking things on his head and mine for that matter. But he never keeps an actual hat on his head! I like the idea of showing your photos from a year ago. A really nice touch. Thanks for organising this weeks linky.
I love the comparison photos from last year’s week in photos. It’s a great way to make memories and keep them, these link ups. Popped over from TWTW!
LOL I can totally picture Pumpkin hiding behind the curtains with her little feet poking out. Bubs totally gives away her hiding spots by giggling like a loon.
Your photo of Pumpkins nap sprawl is brilliant. The sticker really makes it.
Oh and I love your new blog template!
Hahaha, why have I never thought to hoover Jasmine off after rice-based dinners?! Genius!
Pumpkin’s kisses sound so lovely. Jasmine gives hugs, but never kisses… despite me constantly asking for them. I don’t think she really gets it yet!
Can’t believe how good Pumpkin was at the dentist. And that’s fab news about the teething too.
Thanks for joining our #HappyDaysLinky
Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx
Did you win that apron? They were just the right size weren’t they? I wanted one each for the girls!! Glad you had a good week. Thank you for joining in with #HappyDaysLinky x