1. Loving her spaghetti.
2-3. Soft play at Mini Montessori.
4. I say I bought this for Pumpkin – but it was kind of for me too.
5. Little hands.
6. My efforts to teach her not to put her feet on the table are going well.
7-8. Playing outside.
9. This is how I watch Game of Thrones.
Out and about
Our first week back from holiday was not a very active one. Jet lag was a bit of a monster, with Pumpkin waking up at midnight-ish and staying awake for three or four hours at a whack. Plus, she had a fever and vomiting mid-week, which I think we all could have done without.
We did manage to leave the house on Thursday for Sing and Sign and in a desperate attempt to get us all back on schedule, I kept Pumpkin awake all day, with a trip to Mini Montessori in the afternoon. I finally let her have a two-hour nap after the play group, but then woke her up and kept her up again until about 8:30. I think it mostly worked, at least it was the first full night’s sleep I’d had in a week.
On Friday, we had lunch at the Morrison’s cafe. Because Mummy couldn’t face the idea of cooking. Also, there was no food in the house and the sink was piled high with dishes.
Mother of the year award, here I come.
Fun at home
There was a lot of 2am Frozen watching. During the day, I tried to get Pumpkin outside the flat as much as I could, without actually leaving the house (we were in no condition to be out in public). So, she spent a lot of time running up and down the hallways outside. Natural light’s supposed to be good for jet lag….
Time for me
During the times that Pumpkin did sleep, I worked on catching up with Game of Thrones.
Here’s my technique for watching it: hide behind a pillow and whenever something particularly awful is happening, put it on mute with subtitles. Hide all of the screen from vision with the pillow except for the subtitles. That way, the grunts and screams of agony are silenced, but you don’t miss any important dialogue.
The technique seems to work pretty well and I got through season five without feeling utterly destroyed.
My favourite moment was…
Waking up from a good sevenish hours of straight sleep on Friday morning. I won’t say I felt completely refreshed, but I felt better than I had in days.
This week last year in photos:

1. Sitting – sort of – on the bed.
2. Snoozing while holding a toy.
3. A big smile in her Mickey Mouse dungarees.
4. First Father’s Day.
5. Baby and Daddy-man.
6-9. Snoozing.
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