Our week in photos – 3/5/15

TWTWC topper
Our week in photos

1. She ate everything on her plate except the peas – like father, like daughter.
2. Lunch at Morrison’s cafe – she was flirting with all the old ladies.
3. Mummy, I don’t want to pose with my new book. I want to turn the pages!! 
4. Her Maleficent impression.
5. Baby’s first bake.
6. Walking through the shopping centre (we made a donation to RNLI and she got a flag, which she was very proud of!)
7. How does this thing work?
8. She enjoyed eating her cakes as much as eating them.
9. No, mummy, I’m *not* tired.

Out and about

Since it was the last week of the month, this week was pretty awful for me work-wise.

But, we started our third term of Sing & Sign on Thursday, and it was so nice to see the other babies again. This is our first time doing a Stage 2 course, and things have suddenly got much more complicated though. I feel like I’m flailing my arms around wildly now and wiggling my fingers, where as I felt more-or-less in control in Stage 1.

On Friday, we took a trip to North-East London to do some baking! The lovely author of the Tickle Fingers cookbook, Annabel Woolmer, has been doing kids’ baking sessions for the last few days as a fundraiser for Help for Heroes.

I love baking, and was so excited share that with Pumpkin. She did great and absolutely loved it – especially squishing her fingers in all the ingredients and feeling their different textures. I’ll be writing up a full post about our day shortly – but if you’re interested in #BakeForHeroes and want to join in at home (it’s a great activity for the Bank Holiday!), check out her blog post here. You can get a copy of the recipe for a donation to H4H.

Fun at home

Since I’ve been working at home, we’ve not had much *fun* at home. Pumpkin has seen a lot of Disney/Pixar (probably more than she should) and she’s enjoying regularly emptying all of her toy boxes/baskets, then sitting among them and looking around, seeming rather pleased with herself.

To be honest, I sometimes expect her to hold her arms in the air and announce: “It’s aaaaalllll miiiiiinnne!” She hasn’t done it yet though. 🙂

Time for me

On Saturday, I decided to give myself a little break. Pumpkin had finally settled down for a nap and, while I needed to do plenty of other things, I decided to instead get myself some snacks and a diet coke and sit on the sofa to watch TV for an hour without doing anything else.

It was lovely to let my brain turn off for a little while. I’ve been using it way too much lately.

My favourite moment was…

There were a couple this week. First was watching Pumpkin baking on Friday. She looked so grown up in her little apron, holding a spatula and stirring the batter.

Then, on Saturday, we were playing on the floor together and I was showing her how to thread some wooden blocks (which have fairly small holes in the middle of them) on to her wooden spoon. Then she did it herself! They learn so quickly at this age. It’s really amazing! And that took some pretty serious dexterity too.

This year last week in photos:

Our week in photos

1. A donut as big as my head.
2. With Grandma and Grandpa.
3. Sideways holds from Grandma.
4. I think she looks a bit like an evil villain here.
5. Mummy and baby selfie.
6. Tummy time.
7. Cinco de Mayo – this was my attempt at a burrito costume for her.
8. This is a screenshot from a video where kept re-discovering her hand. She’d wave it around, then catch it in her vision and the look on her face was: “What the eff is that thing?” every time.
9. Nothing like chewing on a good book.



16 Comments on "Our week in photos – 3/5/15"

  1. Aww she is just the cutest! It’s great how a little thing can make them so happy, like the flag. The baking class sounds wonderful and it looks like you guys really enjoyed it. lol about moving to stage 2 of signing class, how’s Pumpkin taking to it? #MyWeekAtAGlance xx

    • Thanks, Becky. 🙂 It was really cute how much she enjoyed the flag. You know, until he ripped it apart. 🙂 Pumpkin has figured out a few signs now – including “monster” and “where’s Daddy?” It’s so wonderful to be able to communicate with her, at least a little bit at such a young age!

  2. Busy busy week! I love her flirting with the old dears! It must be so hard to do any work when she is around. I sometimes worry about the TV watching. Lol. I had half an hour to myself on Friday pm watching telly with a cuppa. No phone, nothing. Was bliss. xx #weekataglance

    • Your daughter is adorable; flirting with the old ladies, I bet they loved it! My kids have been baking this week too, they really enjoy it and I love last years comparison collage it’s nice that you can do that and see how much she’s changed over the year. xx

    • I thought working from home would get easier as she got older – but like so many things, I was very wrong. I think taking those little half-hours or so to let yourself completely relax are really important. Half an hour with the TV and a cuppa sounds perfect! Have a great week!

  3. My eldest leaves the peas on the plate too!! I love how you add last years pictures! She has grown so much but doesn’t seem to have changed!

    • Thanks! I agree, she looks so different, but so much the same too. They say that if you keep offering the veggies they don’t like, they’ll eventually eat them. We’ll see. *dubious face*

  4. Now that is a big doughnut 🙂 lovely pictures of your little one. I love the picture of her bubbly hair, she looks so cute x #TWTWC

  5. Fab photos! A great idea to post last years photos too! Love that! x

  6. I love Pumpkins Maleficent impersonation! That last snap of her crashed out on the floor made me giggle too.

    You’ll have to try out some baking at home now that Pumpkin has mastered her spatula skills.

    Have a lovely week! Vx

  7. Oh God, is stage 2 sing and sign really complicated?!

    We didn’t do another term of stage this time around because I couldn’t afford to do that, swimming lessons and squigglers so something had to give. We are still continuing to sign at home though and Jasmine seems to be picking up new signs still. We may go back to sing and sign in September when the next term starts.

    Jasmine says can Pumpkin send her peas this way – she loves them!

    Thanks for joining our #HappyDaysLinky

    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

  8. I was so happy to hear you had gone along to the bakeoff too! Was so much fun wasn’t it? Loving the bubbly hair-do! Thank you for joining in with #HappyDaysLinky x

  9. Ooh your TV/snack break sounds divine!!! The #BakeforHeroes event looked fab – and such a worthy cause!

    Thanks for linking up to #TWTWC xxx

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