Our week in photos: 7/6/15

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Our week in photos

1. Lounging in her high chair, watching the iPad after breakfast (it’s such a hard life!).
2. Holding her bottle herself (cue the Hallelujah chorus).
3. Proper pinky.
4. Riding on the tractor with my aunt (Daddy-man and I got married under that arbour in the background). 
5. Playing the piano with Daddy-man.
6. Sleeping through her first trip to Powell’s City of Books.
7. Daddy-man’s giant burger.
8. A modern family at a cafe (me working, them being entertained).
9. I got my hairs did!

Out and about

Another busy week on holiday – although I can’t believe we’re heading home soon.

We’ve been busy out and about, visiting family and eating all the food we can find. We saw my grandma a few times and went to visit some cousins too.

On Friday, we went to my aunt and uncle’s house, where Pumpkin got to enjoy a trip on the mini-tractor (okay, so it’s actually a ride-on lawnmower) and watch their big fountain. On Friday afternoon, we went to see my grandpa – we had dinner with him and then a nice visit, during which Pumpkin made friends with all the people in the home. She also played the piano with Daddy-man.

There was also a trip into Portland, which included a visit to Powell’s City of Books. Pumpkin slept through the entire experience, but we got her a couple of books, which will be in my What are we reading weekly feature in the coming weeks.

Fun at home

Pumpkin is still having a great time with my mum’s cats – she’s so cute when she pets them. She’s so gentle and she talks gibberish to them in this adorably high-pitched voice.

On Saturday, she got to spend a few hours of quality time with my parents, as Daddy-man and I ended up with some sort of (hopefully short-lived) bug that left us weak and full of muscle soreness (poor Daddy-man was sick and feverish too). Boo. It was very nice being able to leave her with her grandparents for a few hours while we slept off some of the nasties, though.

Time for me

I actually had some honest-to-goodness me time this week! I went and got my hair properly cut, with a wash and blow-dry too.

It SO needed it after being neglected for the first nearly-year of Pumpkin’s life and then my DIY haircut a few months ago… my poor tresses needed some TLC and they got it. I very much enjoyed being able to lean back and relax while I got my hair washed and I’m really pleased with the results – lovely and shortish and layery.

My favourite moment was…

Seeing Pumpkin spend time with family is wonderful – and I love watching her play with the kittens (she even gave one of them ‘smooshy face’ last night, which her equivalent of kisses).

I’m also super-enjoying the fact that she’s FINALLY, at 16 months old, showing a vague interest in holding her bottle.

Yes, I realise this is something most six-month olds can do – and she can, but until recently has chosen not to. She can hold a cup just fine, so I know it’s not a question of ability. Anyway, she’ll finally hold the bottle with a bit of persuasion, giving me a few precious moments to do something else like go to the bathroom on my own or put my pyjamas on. It really is the little things.

This week last year in photos:

Our week in photos

1-2. Snoozing.
3 &6: Playing “Superbaby”.
4. A big smile,
5. Baby selfie (sort of).
7. Snoozing.
8. Mummy-baby selfie (I think I look like an evil villain and she looks surprised to hear my wicked plan)
9. Daddy-man calls this her “slack-jawed yokel” face.


9 Comments on "Our week in photos: 7/6/15"

  1. My hair definitely got neglected in the early days too. I always had my hair cut and coolers every 12 weeks but obviously that went out of the window! Recently I’ve found that my hair is incredibly incredibly hard to deal with and I think it’s all to do with breastfeeding hormones leaving my body or something. It’s like someone else’s hair growing out of my head.

    Anyway, really glad you got the time to treat yourself a bit. I think it’s really important. x


  2. I’m so happy to know that I wasn’t the cause of the nasties this time. Maybe, Daddy-man will forgive me and let me visit with you sometime in the future.

  3. Great photos as always, your hair looks amazing – I hope she continues with the bottle they are little pickles aren’t they!! 😀 #HappyDays

  4. Ha! My kids loved going on the ride on tractor when they were younger – it is a mini tractor to them! It’s so nice you are getting all of this wonderful time with family! That burger looks amazing! Thank you for hosting #myweekataglance x

  5. My little one would be beside himself with joy if he got to ride on a lawnmower. He loves anything tractor related. Loving the hair as well. If I won the lottery I would have someone to come in daily just to wash my hair. I love it and can’t hold a conversation at that point as I start talking gibberish! Enjoy the rest of your break #myweekataglance

  6. She is so cute, sounds like you have all had a lovely weekend #myweekataglance

  7. Fab photos, Your hair looks lovely! I keep telling Steve we need to get a ride on mower purely for Oliver’s entertainment!
    #TWTWC Xx

  8. Totally with you on the bottle thing- was so pleased when L decided she was in charge! Glad you are having such a fab time, enjoy the remainder of your trip and YAY for me time! Thank you for joining in with #HappyDaysLinky x

  9. Ooooh that burger looks SO immense! Glad you’re having a fab time 🙂

    Thanks for linking up to #TWTWC xxx

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