The week that was: captured – 12/4/15

TWTWC topper

1. Hot cross buns for breakfast on Easter. 2. Using the new bean bag – through Mummy. 3. Easter chocolate. 4. Modelling her Portland Timbers outfit. 5. Colouring at Nando’s. 6. Waiting for the bus. 7. A quick bit of geocaching on the bank holiday. 8. Reading Noisy Bottoms. 9. Chilling in her pram.


Out and about

On Bank Holiday Monday, we went exploring – and ended up on a lovely walk in the woods. You can read more about in the post here.

Since it’s school holiday time, all of our normal activities were off for the week, but on Friday, we went to the Sing and Sign Easter Party.

Fun at home

Most was spent at home, but Pumpkin went outside to play on the terrace quite a bit.

Since all the neighbour kids were home for the school holidays, they were outside playing a lot too – she really enjoys watching the bigger kids, even though she can’t quite join in yet. The older girls like playing with her, though, and one of them spent a good hour walking around with her – and Pumpkin loved that!

Me time

I spent a lot of time working on my blog this week. Probably a bit too much, to be honest. But I’ve neglected it for so long, so I’m feeling better about it now. Hopefully I can keep up the momentum! I really do enjoy writing posts. 🙂

Next week, I would like to…

Get out a bit more with Pumpkin. I also realised yesterday that I need to spend a bit of time going through my Slimming World member’s pack. A new one was given out in January, but I’ve never looked at it, and hopefully that will help me get back on track.

My happiest moment was…

Our walk on the bank holiday was so much fun. It was nice to get out and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine. Afterwards, we had lunch at Nando’s and I gave Pumpkin some crayons – she figured out what they were for really quickly and I was amazed to watch her scribbling away on the paper.

I was equally impressed that she didn’t try to put the crayons in her mouth. Not. Even. Once!

This week last year in photos:


1. She took ‘feet to foot’ very seriously. 2. Tummy time. 3. All dressed up for Granny and Papa’s ruby anniversary party. 4. Wearing her giraffe suit. 5. Family photo in Scotland. 6. Sleeping in the corner of the pub. 7. Feet selfie. 8. Having fun with Daddy-man. 9. Snoozing in the pram



16 Comments on "The week that was: captured – 12/4/15"

  1. I love how you’ve got your old collages from last year to use as a direct comparison. So sweet! x


  2. Fab week. I need to find a better life/ blog balance I either spend all my time or none blogging can’t seem to get it right! Well done to Pumpkin for not eating the crayons, Oliver tried to once and never again, haha 🙂
    Becky xx

    • I completely understand about the life/blog balance. Hopefully I’ll figure it all out eventually! I can’t imagine crayons taste nice… but then again, there are plenty of things that babies try to each which don’t taste good!

  3. I love your idea of the last year photos!! Look how much she has grown!!!

    The woods look lovely!! I never think of getting a bus to find a new place to go!

  4. What a fab week and such lovely photos, it’s so nice to see the comparison to last year!
    I’m impressed that Pumpkin didn’t try to eat the crayons in Nandos, BabyBio is obsessed with putting them in his mouth between scribbles!
    I hope you manage to get out a bit more with Pumpkin this week, I think the weather is meant to be good again =) xx

  5. Always love your photo collages – both past and present. 🙂

    I always find that there are weeks when I spend loads of time on my blog and others where I barely touch it. It’s just the way it goes – always feel nice when you have your writing mojo though. 🙂

    Thanks so much for joining in with our #HappyDays linky.

    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

  6. Gosh – Pumpkin is looking so grown up! Sounds like you’ve had a lovely week 🙂

    Thanks for linking up to #TWTWC xx

  7. Aww some lively Easter piccies! And geocaching….. Great way to get outdoors, hadn’t thought of doing it with little one in tow! Thanks for linking up again #myweekataglance

  8. I really love how you have last year’s photos each week, so organised! Glad you had a good week, so lovely when they discover colouring isn’t it? #HappyDaysLinky xxx

    • Lol. It’s only because I wasn’t organised enough to do it the first time around. 🙂
      Oh, and the colouring is not just lovely – it’s something to keep her quiet and happy while waiting for her food. It’s WONDERFUL!

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