The week that was captured: 1/3/15

TWTWC topper
2015 03 01

1. Yum. 2. Woo! 3. Snuggled up in her pram. 4. More walking practice. 5. She figured out how to sit climb in this box of toys – and was very pleased with herself. 6. Eating a biscuit while Mummy and Daddy have a drink at Starbucks. 7. More walking practice. 8. When I finally got the pram raincover back in the bag, I had Daddy-man take this photo. It was quite an accomplishment. I think it started raining an hour later. 9. Sleeping next to me on the big bed while I do work – how is that comfortable?


Out and about

We’ve really upped our game with all the walking practice outside. She really likes pushing her toy buggy around and she’s managed to get almost all the way down the hall and back without my help.

On Saturday, we went to the big shopping centre and had a wander. We went to Mothercare, the Early Learning Centre, the toy store and Boots (gosh, what a parenty list of shops!), and had a relaxing drink at Starbucks too. (I was very pleased with myself choosing an herbal tea instead of coffee).

Fun at home

She learned how to climb into one of her toy boxes this week. She was so pleased with herself when she did it, and now it’s pretty much all she does. Get in the box. Get out of the box. Get in the box. Get out of the box. Sometimes with more success than other times.

My happiest moment was…

Watching her toddle up and down the hallway outside with her toy pram. She has so much fun doing it and she’s so close to not needing any aids.

This week last year in photos:

2014 03 01

1. Quizzical; 2. Smiling in her sleep; 3. Snoozing with Daddy-man. 4. Burping. 5. Family selfie. 6. Sleeping in her cot. 7. My first trip to Starbucks after giving birth (it was decaf though – boo!) 8. Snoozing. 9. A funny little expression.


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