The week that was: captured: 14/12/14

TWTWC topper

1. Her first view of the Christmas tree; 2. Looking at the decorations; 3. The finished tree; 4. Jingle Bell Rocking at the Sing & Sign Christmas Party; 5. Snuggled up and watching Tangled. Again. 6. Fast asleep. Finally; 7. Eating her first Christmas party dinner; 8. Modelling her new Mr Moose Grobag with her giraffe friend; 9. Camera shy when modelling the Merino wool clothing we got to review.

Out and about

Wow. It has been such a busy week! I feel like I’ve barely had a chance to sit still long enough to think about anything. Monday and Tuesday were work like normal – although I took Pumpkin out on walks both days to try to get her to sleep so I could actually *do* work. Most of the walks ended up at charity shops – my blogging gift swap partner (the lovely Amanda from Chocolate Pages) and I agreed to do all of our shopping from charity shops, which was a fun challenge!

Wednesday was Mini Montessori in the morning, and a trip into London in the afternoon so Pumpkin could wish all of Daddy-man’s colleagues an early Merry Christmas. We also crashed one department’s Christmas dinner.

Thursday was our last Sing & Sign session of the term, followed by a trip up the road to visit more charity shops. Later in the afternoon, I also took Pumpkin to get her weight checked – she was down on what she should have been a couple of weeks ago. But, it must have been due to her illness and teething, because she has bounced right back up to where she should be.

Friday was the really busy day. Started in the morning with a trip to the Sling Library to drop off the baby carrier we borrowed three weeks ago. Then, I was supposed to hop on a train to head somewhere else to pick up a carrier that I’d found on Gumtree. From there, it was off to the Sing & Sign Christmas lunch and then the post office.

While I had scheduled plenty of time for all of the travel, things started falling behind, and got really bad when I got stuck in a queue to buy train tickets behind a woman who couldn’t figure out how to use the ticket machine… and annoyingly thought she was ADORABLE for her ineptitude. Ugh.

Anyway, I finally made it everywhere, but was about 45 minutes late to the Christmas party. Still, we had a good meal and Pumpkin seemed to really enjoy the turkey and sausages that I shared with her. I was a mean mummy though and DID NOT share my Yorkshire pudding. 🙂

When Saturday arrived, I didn’t really feel like doing anything else, but we had another Christmas party to go to in the morning, which was actually a lot of fun and I’m glad we went. Then, I had my Slimming World meeting and weigh in, and I was 2.5 pounds down!

Fun at home

I feel like I’ve barely been home this week, but last Sunday we did something wonderful at home – set up the Christmas tree! The first couple of days with it were a bit difficult, as Pumpkin kept trying to eat the ornaments… but we’ve been teaching her to touch, not grab, the decorations and she seems to be catching on. Or she’s lost interest. Either way, the tree is still standing!

Time for me

I don’t feel like I’ve had any time to myself this week – and any little bits of free time that I’ve had have been devoted to catching up with blog posts and reviews.

My happiest moment was…

Setting up the Christmas tree!  It’s one of my favourite Christmas traditions.

Next week I would like to try…

Surviving a transatlantic flight with a 10-month-old baby!


10 Comments on "The week that was: captured: 14/12/14"

  1. Wow, you’ve had a really busy week! Sounds like a lot of fun though, Christmas celebrations galore! Love all your photos, you’re tree looks really funky 🙂

    Good luck with the flight xx

  2. Well done on the weightloss! I have been inspired by you and I’m rejoining Weight Watchers in the New Year. It’s a Saturday session at 8:50am urgh!

    I’m not surprised you didn’t get any me time with your action packed week. Hopefully things will slow down for you now (despite the long haul flight) and you’ll have the opportunity to relax. 🙂


    • Oh, good decision, Vickie! I thought the Saturday mornings meetings might be hard, but they’ve not been so bad. I’m lucky that the SW group has three sessions that I can choose from on the Saturday morning – so if I have plans for the day I can go to the early one… or I can sleep in a little (ha!) if there’s nothing going on.

      I know it’s a busy time of year, but the SW consultants are all suggesting coming back before Christmas – to avoid getting into the “I’ll eat everything now because I’m going on a diet in January” mentality. That’s why I went back when I did. I always gain loads of weight over Christmas – especially in the US. Maybe this will help curb at least some of my calorie consumption!

      • That makes a lot of sense and I had planned on joining WW last Saturday for that exact reason, but best laid plans and all that. It wasn’t possible to have someone watch Bubs and there was no way I was going to take her along.

        I know I’ll gain some weight over Christmas but I am determined to be better than in previous years. My mum-in-law is joining me in my healthy eating plans so at least I won’t be alone in giving the chocs and sweeties a miss. 🙂

  3. Wow sounds like you had a lovely busy week! Lovely pictures, Christmas tree looks fab! good luck with the flight too x

  4. Gosh, you really have had a jam-packed week! Your pictures are lovely, I’m very jealous of your bright and funky Christmas tree!
    I hope you manage to snatch a few moments to yourself this week before your long flight! xx

  5. Well done on the weightloss – great news! 🙂

    What a crazy busy week you’ve had, I hope your next couple of weeks are a bit more relaxed.

    Which carrier have you ended up with? I’m in the market for a new one.

    Thanks so much for linking up with our #happydayslinky over the last few months – hope you will join us again in the New Year.

    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

  6. Wow what a busy week, it sounds fab! Well done on the weight loss, thats fab! I love the pict of you two together, Lovely!
    Becky x

  7. Oh gosh! Best of luck for next week!!! It sounds like you’ve had a lovely week, despite the frustrating lady at the station!

    Thanks for linking up to #TWTWC xx

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