The week that was captured: 15/2/15

TWTWC topper
2015 02 15

1. This is the new position for watching TV, apparently. 2. Ham and cheese for lunch. 3. Banana-throwing championships. 4. On the way home from Scotland. 5. Playing with bubbles. 6. Valentine’s Day at Mini Montessori; 7. Posing with a jar of sweets for my Heart Week blog post. 8. Let me outta here! 9. Nap with Daddy-man

Out and about

Sunday was spent driving back from Scotland – it was pretty uneventful, as we finally downloaded Tangled and Frozen on to the iPad and when Pumpkin started getting grumpy, we were able to put one of those on.

On Friday, we went to Mini Montessori and Pumpkin enjoyed playing with the plastic roses.

Fun at home

On Monday, I caught myself feeling a bit down. Stressed out from work, feeling bad that I can’t spend as much time as I’d like playing with the baby. Using the TV as a babysitter while I try to get on with my job. The house being an absolute disaster.

Anyway, I eventually decided to get the two of us outside to see if the fresh air helped. I grabbed the jar of bubbles that I bought for her birthday, but never actually opened, and we went out and played with those for a while.

She absolutely loved it, and so did I. Definitely helped snap me out of the funk.

My happiest moment was…

She started clapping this week! Every time she does it now, my heart melts a little bit.

This week last year in photos:

2014 02 15

1. Passed out on Daddy-man. 2. She was so tiny!!! 3. Her first attempt at arm-wrestling. 4. Snoozing in her bear bed. 5. The cutest wee giraffe. 6. Modelling her first trousers and a hand-made hat from friends. 7. Nose-to-nose. 8. Trying out her bouncy chair. 9. Sleeping again.


2 Comments on "The week that was captured: 15/2/15"

  1. Bubbles can make anyone feel better. I was blowing bubbles this week with Skylar. Unfortunately, she’s reached the age of “I do”, so MawMaw only got to make a few bubbles before she took over. Landon and Kaycee had a lemonade stand in front of my house. They made $3 because there’s not much traffic on my street. (They didn’t like the lack of cars, but I sure do.) They are growing up–just like Pumpkin. I love that they are hitting all the milestones and developing as they should, but I miss the “baby” moments. Enjoy them while you can.

    • Bubbles really do help! That’s so cute that Landon and Kaycee had a lemonade stand! I’m definitely enjoying the baby moments while I still have them. I can’t believe how fast she’s changing!

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