The week that was: captured – 19/4/15

TWTWC topper
our week in photos

1. Modelling her Portland Timbers strip from Grandma. 2. She hasn’t quite figured out how to sit in her Bumbo on her own. 3. Spinning with Daddy-man at Greenwich Park. 4. Baby’s first trip to Pizza Express. 5. Sweeping at Mini Montessori. 6. Exploring the halls outside our flat. 7. Nothing gets in her way. 8. Watching the Star Wars trailer with Daddy-man. 9. Sleepy mummy-baby selfie.

Out and about

On Sunday, we spent most of the day in Greenwich and Blackheath. We had lunch at Pizza Express (Pumpkin’s first time eating there, and she was definitely a fan – it also helped that all the staff kept coming by and talking to her and playing with her).

That was followed by a lovely walk around Greenwich Park. I spent an hour taking photos for an old colleague and then we met up again with Pumpkin and Daddy-man at a pub.

It was so nice having playgroups back in session after a week off – I really miss Mini Montessori when we don’t go. We’ve only been to the other playgroup a couple of times now – but Pumpkin was exhausted afterwards and had a really long nap, which meant I managed to get some work done that day.

Fun at home

Pumpkin has been having a great time wandering the outside halls of our apartment block. She especially enjoys when the older kids come and play with her.

One little girl even gave her a toy pram this week – she told her mum that she was too big for it now and wanted to give it to Pumpkin. It was so sweet! The new pram is much faster than the one she was using. It also folds up, so we can take it with us places.

It also happens that Pumpkin *just* fits in the new toy pram, which the older kids figured out very quickly. It was pretty cute seeing her sit in it, but she didn’t think much of it and she wasn’t shy in making sure the other kids understood that she would NOT sit in it.

Pumpkin is also trying to figure out how to sit in her Bumbo on her own. As you can see in the photo above, she hasn’t quite got it yet.

Me time

I’m so bad at this.

Yesterday, Pumpkin woke up mid-nap and got really fussy. I picked her up and she fell asleep on my shoulder. Instead of trying to get her back in her cot, I gave in.

She slept in my arms for a couple of hours while I watched Downton Abbey. It wasn’t exactly ‘me’ time, but it was relaxing and quiet and so lovely having her sleep on me – it’s pretty rare these days.

Next week, I would like to…

Get caught up with work. Ha!

My happiest moment was…

During our walk through Greenwich Park, we took some time to let Pumpkin out and toddle around. It’s so nice to be able to let her get out and stretch her legs now. We even played a round of hide-and-seek with Daddy-man.

She’s also getting really good at the sign for ‘dogs’ – a couple who live in our building had their dogs out for a walk and when Pumpkin saw them, she excitedly made the sign and toddled as fast as she could in their direction.

Daddy-man would also like to share his happiest moment of the week. It was the release of the Star Wars trailer. He and Pumpkin watched it together on the sofa and I thought he might be broken at one point because he just kept saying “Oh my god” over and over.

This week last year in photos:

Our week in photos

1. The Easter Bunny has been! 2. Snoozing. 3. Easter morning. 4. Giving me a funny look from her pram. 5. Snoozing. 6. Dressed up in her Easter outfit to go meet Grandma and Grandpa. 7. Dancing in the kitchen with Daddy-man. 8. Snoozing. 9. The other definition of tummy time.



24 Comments on "The week that was: captured – 19/4/15"

  1. That looks like a great week! It’s fab that she isn’t afraid of dogs, it makes walks much easier. The pictures are lovely, she looks so sweet xx

    • It’s great that she’s not afraid – especially since she’ll be seeing lots of dogs when she visits her grandparents in a couple of months. But it’s scary too, because she wants to run up to all dogs – whether they want her to or not.

  2. LOL I had to laugh at Daddy-man’s Happiest Moment! I don’t think Hubs has seen it yet, or if he has he kept his excitement to a minimum. 🙂

    What a great week you’ve had. How nice of that little girl to give Pumpkin her pram too. 🙂

    I hope you have a lovely week. Vx

  3. What a lovely week you’ve had, some great photos and it’s so nice to see photos from this week last year 🙂 I love Daddy-man’s happiest moment, I caught Jim and Rosalie watching it too, they were both gripped!! Have a great week xx

  4. It’s brilliant that you show photos from the same time last year. you’ve had a busy week and I adore the photo of your daughter with the sweeping brush xx

  5. What a lovely week you had in the gorgeous sunny weather! I love taking the kids to the playground. That’s adorable she loved pizza express, she has good taste! #MyWeekAtAGlance #HappyDays

  6. What a fantastic week and a lovely collection of photos! Your walk at Greenwich Park sounds so lovely, isn’t it great letting the little ones have a run around in the fresh air! I’m very impressed that Pumpkin has been using her sign for dog, what a clever girl xx

  7. How sweet of that little girl to give Pumpkin her old toy pushchair, what a lovely thing to do! 🙂

    Haha, love Daddy-man’s ‘happiest moment’ – I hope he’s recovered now. 😉

    Thanks for joining our #HappyDaysLinky

    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

  8. That was so kind of that girl to give Pumpkin her pushchair, so sweet. Love that they figured out she could fit in it!! Ha!! Sounds like a good week- thank you for joining in with our #HappyDaysLinky xx

  9. What a lovely week, W also loves Pizza Express – I think they cater well for the little ones (and the stickers they get also go down a treat!!) Thanks for linking up #myweekataglance

    • You’re right – the food at Pizza Express is all pretty kid friendly and the activity book looked fab. Although, I didn’t let Pumpkin play with the stickers… I knew she’d just try to eat them. Maybe when she’s a little older.

  10. Lovely week. I love the picture of the broom as it reminds me of my little girl. She is obsessed too! The baby signing is pretty cool ! I like the way she is learning dog!! Try to get sometime to yourself next week hehe xx #myweekataglance

  11. Who doesn’t love Pizza Express?!
    Thats so kind that she was given a pram.
    Lovely baby photos!

    • I LOVE Pizza Express, but I’ve met several people who complain about it. Apparently it’s not “authentic” enough for them… like Pizza Hut and Domino’s are? Lol.

  12. I miss having B fall asleep on me – it’s definitely something I’m looking forward to (and will relish) when the new baby comes along 🙂 Sounds like a lovely week!

    Thanks for linking up to #TWTWC xx

    • Aww. That will be lovely! Pumpkin doesn’t do it as much any more, but it’s definitely lovely when it happens. Thanks for the linky!

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