The week that was captured: 29/3/14

TWTWC topper
29 March 2014

1. Giving me ‘the look’ from her pram. 2. Sleeping on Daddy-man’s shoulder. 3. Shoulder rides are great fun. 4. My first attempt at putting her hair up in bunchies – I did not do a good job. 5. My two Scots and a Scottish sheep named Hamish. 6. Crazy hair after taking her bunchies out. 7. I think we need to get her a proper chair. 8. Family selfie while looking for Shaun the Sheeps in London. 9. Nap time with mummy.

Out and about

We didn’t get out much early in the week, as we were all trying to recover from a cold. On Thursday, we went to our last Sing and Sign Stage One class. Pumpkin got a certificate and had fun playing with a couple of the older babies after class.

On Saturday, all three of us went into London for a bit of sheep hunting – there are statues of Shaun the Sheep all over town as a fundraiser for some children’s charities. I’ll be posting about the ones we found after a few more outings to find them. We also had lunch at Porky’s, a barbecue restaurant on the South Bank near the Globe Theatre. It was so delicious – I’m sure we’ll be going back!

Fun at home

We had several lazy days at home while recovering from the lurgy. I’ve also been practising getting Pumpkin’s hair up in little pony tails. I’m not very good at it… but getting better!

My happiest moment was…

It was really nice getting out of the house for a day in London on Saturday. Especially now that Pumpkin is walking a good bit – we can let her out of her pram and toddle around for a few minutes when she gets bored of sitting.

This week last year in photos:

29 March 2014

1. Waving hello for my first blog post. 3. Meeting IceBat for the first time. 3. Not sure about smiling for the camera. 4. Modelling a bonnet she received as a gift. 5. Feeding time with Daddy-man. 6. Nap time with mummy. 7. Modelling a onesie from Grandma. 8. Looking cute with a headband. 9. Snoozing.


12 Comments on "The week that was captured: 29/3/14"

  1. What lovely photos! The bunches look super-cute!

  2. Agh, sorry you guys have had the lurgy too – we’ve had it here and all, yuk!

    I missed the Gromits in London, I CANNOT miss the Shaun the Sheep as well. How many have you managed to find so far?

    I cannot wait to be able to let Jasmine out of the pushchair for a toddle as she gets so frustrated and bored.

    Haha I will TOTALLY suck at doing anything hair related and I’m impressed by Pumpkin’s bunches…. but especially the crazy hair afterwards. Amazing!

    Thanks for joining in with our #HappyDaysLinky – I’ve missed reading about your week. 🙂

    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

    • I didn’t know there were Gromits in London! I thought they were just in Bristol. The Paddingtons were great, but I love Aardman, so we’re going to do our best to see all 50 of them (Daddy-man wants to go to Bristol to see the rest of them too, but I’m not sure that’s going to happen.)

      I saw the video on Instagram of Jasmine climbing on the sofa – she must be close to walking if she can do that! Pumpkin hasn’t been much of a climber (which I’m very pleased about!). I suppose I should say she hasn’t been much of a climber YET…

      The hair thing probably just takes practice. At least I hope so. I think I’m getting better at it… but I’m owning the work I do. It might not be perfect, but it’s still cute – and it keeps her hair out of her face. 🙂

  3. What a great idea to put last year’s photos up too, it must be nice to see how things have changed.
    We’ve been doing Sing and Sign too, we’ve just finished stage one and have signed up for stage two next month … I love it!
    Argh, you had the lurgey too! We’ve also been full of cold here 🙁
    Alana x

    • Thanks! I started doing last year’s photos so that I can have a full set of her first year (since I started making the collages in August or so, last year.)

      We’re going to do Stage 2 of Sing and Sign too! We love it and are starting to see a few signs, which is really nice.

  4. What beautiful pictures! It’s amazing how big they get in a year!! 🙂

  5. How do people find out about these characters in London??? I missed the Paddingtons, didn’t know there were Gromits and now I hear about Sheep!! I want to join in tooooooo!

    • Don’t worry, Shaun the Sheep will be here until May I think. And there will be some in Bristol too. I find out about them because I follow the Londonist on Facebook – most of their posts manage to show up on my feed and they give a pretty good overview of what’s going on in London.

  6. Lovely!! I can’t believe Pumpkin is walking now 🙂 Sheep hunting sounds wonderful! B would love that 🙂

    Thanks for linking up to #TWTWC xx

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