The week that was captured: 5/4/15

TWTWC topper
TWTWC 5 April 2015

1. Riding my foot. 2. The view from the Walkie Talkie. 3. When did Daddy-man become an evil mastermind from the 1970s? 4. Jazz-hands at Mini Montessori snack time. 5. Failed family selfie from the top of the Walkie Talkie. 6. Eggs dyed and ready for Easter sunday. 7. Cowboy boots on and ready for her trip to the theatre. 8. Leadenhall market. 9. Photo after the play with the star of the show (and a golden egg).

Out and about

This week, we enjoyed getting out and about a bit more than normal – something that I hope to do more often, as I hate having to sit at my computer all week, trying to do work.

On Wednesday, the three of us went into London for a trip to the top of 20 Fenchurch Street (also known as the Walkie Talkie). It’s one of the newest skyscrapers in the City and it offers some pretty spectacular views. I’m almost done with I have written a separate post about that, so I’ll not go on about it too much here.

After our trip to the Walkie Talkie, we had lunch at our favourite BBQ place (Bodeans near the Tower of London), then went for a wander to find more Shaun the Sheeps. During our walk, we also found Leadenhall Market – It’s what Diagon Alley in Harry Potter was based on, and I’ve always wanted to see it in person – it’s very pretty on the inside.

On Thursday, Pumpkin and I went to Mini Montessori, which included a special Easter Egg hunt. Pumpkin had her first marshmallow – she wasn’t sure about the first bite, but once she got a taste for it, she was ready for more!

Then on Friday, we went Pumpkin’s first play: Adventures with Sam: On the Farm at Greenwich Theatre. We were invited to go for the blog, so that’s another post that will be up in a day or two you can find that post here. After the play, we met up with Daddy-man and walked through Greenwich Park, up to Blackheath where we had a late lunch.

I went to my Slimming World group yesterday – I didn’t want to, because I was expecting a gain, and I was right. But, I’m feeling motivated again, despite all the treats, so hopefully I can get back on track this week.

Fun at home

Pumpkin has learned to ride on my foot – she comes along, straddles my leg and then just plops down and expects me to bounce my leg up and down. It’s very cute, and I’m getting a good leg workout. 🙂

On Friday night, I was an egg-dying machine, getting ready for Easter. I dyed eggs for egg-hunting on Easter Sunday, but I also made colourful devilled eggs for the Slimming World Taster. I was really pleased with how they came out, and the photo of them that I posted on Instagram got about twice as many likes as any other photo I’ve posted, which was a surprise. I guess they looked good!

My happiest moment was…

I really enjoyed the view at the top of the Walkie Talkie – I love getting a new perspective like that. Also, watching Pumpkin at the play on Friday. She seemed so grown up sitting her theatre seat, watching everything happening on stage.

This week last year in photos:

TWTWC 5 April 2014

1. Hugging Daddy-man. 2. A smile? 3. My first Mother’s Day. 4. Two months old! 5. Tiny hand. 6. Little bookworm. 7. Lounging on the sofa. 8. Tummy time with her roller. 9. Snoozing


18 Comments on "The week that was captured: 5/4/15"

  1. Wow sounds a fab week. I would love to go up the walkie talkie, I bet the view was amazing. Your eggs look fab. I’m glad Pumpkin enjoyed the play, I can’t imagine Oliver sitting still for long enough! Have a lovely week
    Becky xx

    • The Walkie Talkie was fab – definitely recommended (and it’s free!). I didn’t think Pumpkin would sit still for that long either, but she did really well. I did have to distract her with biscuits a couple of times, though.:-)

  2. Oooh you’re braver than me. I like my heights to be a little bit closer to the ground. 😉

    It sounds like you’ve had a really great week. I’m glad Pumpkin enjoyed the theatre and her first marshmallow. 🙂

    I hope you have a lovely week! Vx

    • Lol! I’m good with heights, as long as I have something solid to stand on – like the inside of a building. You won’t catch me dangling from a bungee cord or parachute though, thankyouverymuch!

  3. Wow you’ve got loads of fab things here!! Love the jazz hands! Lots of great times out. So cute to see last years too 🙂 Jess x #happydays

  4. Sounds like an amazing week – that view is incredible! I love that you’ve done this week last year in photos, it’s lovely to see the difference isn’t it? Hope you’ve had a great Easter xx

    • It was a wonderful view. And, yes, it’s so much fun going back and seeing what Pumpkin looked like a year ago. It’s really amazing how fast they change!

  5. What a busy week, looks like lits of fun! I’m now off to find your devilled eggs photo!! #myweekataglance

  6. Wow sound like you have had an amazing week! What a great view! Im not so good with heights, I puked at the top of the empire state building! Lovely that Pumpkin enjoyed the play, would love to take Pops to a show but she rarely sits still for more then 5 mins! x

    • Oh dear about the Empire State Building! Well, the Walkie Talkie isn’t nearly that tall. (the ESB is taller than the Shard!) I didn’t think Pumpkin would sit still for the show either, but she did remarkably well.

  7. A great week! I really want to go sightseeing in London, it is right on our doorstep and yet we never go! Thank you for joining in with #HappyDaysLinky

    • Isn’t odd how people don’t go see the interesting things closest to home, but will travel hundreds or thousands of miles to see something somewhere else?

  8. What a great week!! I laughed at the dad as an evil 70’s mastermind picture! What a clever caption. Your eggs on Instagram are gorgeous! I’ll look for your recipe next year. They are so festive.

  9. Ahh your posts always make me realise I don’t go into London enough, but it’s such a faff for us to get there from Suffolk. I miss being able to hop on a train to London for the day.

    Glad you’re feeling motivated about Slimming World again. Easter is always going to be a tough week, isn’t it? I have my first weigh in tomorrow and I’m a little bit scared!!

    Your ‘this week last year’ photos are not doing anything to help shift my broodiness!!

    Thanks for joining our #HappyDaysLinky

    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

    • Well, if you ever want some motivation to come into London for a day, Pumpkin and I will be happy to meet up. You might have to dodge flying biscotti though. 🙂

      Good luck with your weigh-in tomorrow!

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