The week that was: captured: 8/2/15

TWTWC topper
The week in photos

1. One-year photos; 2. Playing with her birthday balloon; 3. Her first time playing in snow; 4. Spectacular bed hair; 5. Birthday cake time / nap time; 6. Eating birthday cake; 7. “Helping” with the flat-pack play kitchen; The drive to Scotland – somewhere not far from Kendal; 9. She loves her dinosaur!


Out and about

We spent a good bit of time out this week. On Sunday, we trekked across London to get to Pumpkin’s one-year photo shoot. It was quite a journey, but well worth the effort. And, on the way home, we had a lovely walk along the South Bank – enjoying the clear night air and city lights. The South Bank always reminds me how much I love living in London.

For Pumpkin’s birthday, we had dinner out – at Nandos (I know: fancy!)

Then, on Wednesday, we headed up to Scotland for a few days. Between long-haul flights to the US and road trips up to Scotland, the baby has clocked up quite a few miles in her first year, and I am so grateful that she seems to be a good traveller!

Fun at home

Well, there was my attempt at putting together a play kitchen – Pumpkin’s birthday present. It ended in failure when I managed to break a major piece. A replacement is on its way though.

I bought her a balloon on her birthday, and that kept her occupied for at least an hour. She’d pull it down to her, then let go and watch it float upwards. Then she’d give me this look, like: “What is happening? It’s not supposed to go up!” Then she’d shake the ribbon a few times and start the process over.

Time for me

Um, there was a really good cup of tea on the way to Pumpkin’s photo shoot.

Oh, and I had a nice nap in the back of the car while Daddy-man drove up to Scotland…

(I’m rubbish at this!)

My happiest moment was…

Singing Happy Birthday to her. She was asleep when it happened, but let’s face it: first birthdays are more about the parents anyway. It was a such a good feeling, watching her snooze with her little one candle burning in front of her and thinking back on the last year. Where did the time go?

Also, when I was attempting to assemble Pumpkin’s birthday kitchen, she started to get tired. She crawled over to me, stood up and rested her head on my shoulder and wrapped her arms around me. She’s been much less snuggly with me lately, so it was really nice to come to me for a cuddle.

Next week, I would like to…

  • Get caught up with work
  • Stick to my Slimming World plan 100%
  • Go for a walk every day
  • Drink more water
  • Get my “good” camera out of retirement and use it some (thanks to Vickie at A Pocketful of Dandelions for inspiring me!)

This week last year in photos:

For the last few months, I’ve really enjoyed making my weekly collage of photos. And, I wish I had started doing it since the baby was born. So, I’m going to start making two each week for a while: one of the week this year, and one of the same week last year.

this week last year in photos

1. The delivery room; 2. Our first family selfie; 3. Heading home for the first time; 4. One of the first photos ever taken of her; still in the Special Care Unit; 5. The first time I got to hold her; 6. Snuggled up just after getting home; 7. Daddy-daughter time; 8. So tiny! 9. Figuring out how her face works.



7 Comments on "The week that was: captured: 8/2/15"

  1. Oh I love the idea of posting a retro collage from your first year as a mummy! And I’m very proud to have inspired you. I can’t wait to see the photos you take with your bigger camera. Vx

  2. Polly Williams | February 8, 2015 at 10:37 pm | Reply

    Happy Birthday to pumpkin, I found it so bittersweet them turning one – emotional mummy!! Sounds like she had a lovely day though xx

  3. Happy first Birthday to Pumpkin, I love your idea of creating a collage from photos of last year. Pumpkin is definitely well travelled!
    Have a fab week and I look forward to seeing your photos from your big camera!
    Becky xx

  4. I love last year’s photo collage – I bet all that feels like forever ago and 2 minutes ago all at the same time.

    Haha, it’s brilliant that the balloon kept Pumpkin occupied for an hour. Best present ever!! 🙂

    Thanks for joining our #HappyDaysLinky. 🙂

    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

  5. Oh I love that you have included this time last year! I bet you cant believe where the time has gone!! Love the photo of her asleep with the cake, bless!
    Have a good week 🙂 #HappyDaysLinky

  6. Happy birthday Pumpkin! Sounds like you’ve had a lovely week 🙂 Kendal is gorgeous and I hope you’ve had fun in Scotland!

    Thanks for linking up to #TWTWC xx

  7. Love your collages, esp the past one ive never created one from this time last year 🙂 happy belated birthday to Pumpkin what a lovely day she had 🙂 x twtwc

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