The week that was captured: 8/3/15

TWTWC topper
2015 03 08

1. Finally finished building her kitchen. Only took a month. 2. One of the best toys in the house: the remote control. 3. Waiting for Daddy-man to come home – with maracas to keep her busy. 4. First steps! 5. Looking so grown up! 6. Nice and cosy in her pram. 7. Bowls are a bit tricky. 8. I shall now make this piece of cheese disappear! 9. Someone loves beans on toast!

Out and about

Another week where we didn’t get up to anything unusual. Sing and Sign on Thursday and a trip to the shops on Saturday, but that was about it.

Fun at home

I finally finished putting the play kitchen together for Pumpkin – it was her birthday present and only took me a month to complete. She seems to love playing with it, though – particularly opening all the cupboards and dumping everything in them on the floor. Oh, and removing the kitchen sink.

My happiest moment was…

When Pumpkin took her first steps!

This week last year in photos:

2014 03 08

1. Resting her head on her hand. 2. Sock hands made her look really flexible. 3. One of her many crazy sleeping positions. 4. “What you doin’ mummy?” 5. All ready for bedtime. 6. Wearing her first dress. 7. Tiny hands. 8. Watching The Little Mermaid for the first time. 9. The terrible mess we made while trying to do handprints.


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