The week that was: captured: 1/2/15

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TWTWC 1-2-15

1. Heavy metal fingers while having lunch. 2. Playing with the kitchen at Mini Montessori. 3. She loves Diet Coke chicken almost as much as I do! 4. Daddy-man the baby whisperer. 5. Snuggled up on the sofa. 6. Little feet in little shoes. 6. Painting pottery at Biscuit in Greenwich. 7. Trying her first churro. 8. Prickly purple flowers.

Out and about

We’ve all been unwell this week – stuffed up with head colds and feeling run-down, so it has been a pretty quiet week. Pumpkin went to her normal playgroups and got an extra trip to Mini Montessori with Daddy-man on Wednesday, but most of the week was spent at home trying to recover.

Yesterday, we were feeling a bit better and wanted to do something special for Pumpkin’s first birthday weekend (where has the time gone???). So, we bundled up and went to Greenwich for the day. We had lunch at the market, followed by churros. Then we went to Biscuit – a pottery-painting cafe – and decorated a couple of ceramic items with her hand prints.

Fun at home

I spent some time on Monday trying to clear out Pumpkin’s room. Before she was born, that room was always used as a bit of a dumping ground for stuff we didn’t know what else to do with – and it has been really hard to break that habit. So, things have built up a bit over the last few months. I’m trying to give her her room back so she can start playing in there sometimes – and maybe we can even move her bed in eventually…

(Sorry, I realise that doesn’t really constitute ‘fun’)

Time for me

I had a nice long soak in the tub on Friday, since my back was bothering me a bit. On Tuesday, Pumpkin fell asleep on a walk, so I stopped in at Asda and had a cup of coffee and a biscuit while she napped.

My happiest moment was…

Since Daddy-man took a couple of days off work this week due to illness, he was home a lot during the day and when he wasn’t napping, he helped with the baby. She’s really taken to snuggling up with him, and while I feel a little sad that she seems to prefer him a bit, I love watching them together.

Next week, I would like to try…

We bought a soup maker this week, so I’d like to try to use it as much as possible for some healthy meals. I’ve eating off plan a bit lot this week and I’d like to get back on track.


11 Comments on "The week that was: captured: 1/2/15"

  1. That kitchen at Mini Montessori is amazing! We have all got head colds too 🙁 Hope you feel bettter soon. TWTWC x

  2. Sorry you’ve been ill. seems lots of us have had a poorly week.
    Our dining room sounds like Pumpkin’s room, really must sort it out.
    Hope using the soup maker goes well, home-made soups are amazing

  3. Sounds like a great week. Love the photos, those little shoes are too flippen cute.

  4. Oh someone else with the lurgy! I hope your new soup maker makes you feel better!
    So many people used to have a junk room before baby came along- we now have nowhere to store our junk so it is a nightmare!
    Have a good week! xx

  5. Sorry you have been feeling poorly, hope you are feeling better now. Hope you get on well with the soup maker, I keep consider buying one x

  6. Sorry to hear that you’ve been poorly. I’m going to take Oliver to a pottery place next week for his 2nd birthday, they make a lovely keepsake.Ooo I love a Churro!

  7. Hope you all feel better soon, the pottery place sounds like fun 🙂

  8. Pumpkin’s Rock n Roll fingers are totally adorable!

    I’m sorry to hear you’ve not been well and I’m glad you’re all on the mend now. I’m looking forward to reading about your adventures with the soup maker. Vx

  9. Ah, sorry you’ve all been poorly but it sounds like you’ve had a great week, despite the colds.

    Pumpkins shoes in that photo are so adorable!! 🙂

    Looking forward to hearing about your soupy creations!!


    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

  10. Brilliant pics – adore those shoes!! #TWTWC

  11. It sounds like a lovely week, despite the illness! There is just something about daughters and dads… B is like this with my Husband – it’s hard not feel a bit pushed out, but at the same time, it’s so lovely to watch. Someone once said to me “use it to your advantage and enjoy the break” so that’s what I do now 😉

    Thanks for linking up to #TWTWC xx

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