The week that was: captured – 2/11/14

TWTWC topper

This was my last week of maternity leave. *sniff* So I tried to relax as much as possible and enjoy time with Pumpkin.

Since she was teething and had a cold, the week had its ups and downs, but it ended with a bang (literally) at last night’s fireworks display in Blackheath.

our week ending 1/11/14

1. Watching Columbo with Daddy-man; 2. Halloween crafts; 3. A letter from Santa arrived; 4. Jail-bird; 5. Watching the Blackheath fireworks; 6. Baby in a box; 7. Alas, poor Yorick (helping decorate for Halloween); 8. Just chewing on the bath plug; 9. A little witch at the Sing and Sign Halloween Party

Out and about

We stayed in for most of the week, but Pumpkin did have a Halloween party with her Sing and Sign class (the little social butterfly!) Then, we went to see the Blackheath fireworks on Saturday.

Fun at home

Lots of snuggles on the sofa since she wasn’t feeling well. But she’s getting more independent too, so doesn’t allow as much cuddling as she used to. (She has important baby things to do, after all… like chewing on the bathtub plug, searching for dust to eat and inspecting anything that’s not nailed down.)

We also did some crafting and decorated for Halloween. Oh, and we watched Tangled for the first time. She LOVED it and thought Pascal (the little chameleon) was hilarious.

Time for me

I honestly can’t remember doing anything specifically for me. But, I was pretty greedy with baby cuddles.

My happiest moment was…

Watching the fireworks with Pumpkin and Daddy-man in Blackheath. This is one of my favourite things to do each year and we’ve only missed it once since we started going in 2010 (last year, I was very pregnant and it was raining, so we gave it a miss).

I was a bit worried that Pumpkin would be scared by the loud noises, but she watched really intently and then fell asleep on the way home.

Next week I would like to try…

Not having a mental breakdown during my first two days of work in nine months. Wish me luck.

Oh, also, I’m re-starting Slimming World tomorrow.


8 Comments on "The week that was: captured – 2/11/14"

  1. Aww… I hope Pumpkin is feeling better now.

    Best of luck with your return to work (you’ll be fine, Mama) oh and with SW too. 🙂

    Looking forward to hearing about both.

    Thanks for joining in with our #happydayslinky

    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

    • She’s much better – though some of the grumpiness seems to have stuck around. Hopefully she’ll be back to her fully happy self in a couple more days. Thanks for the encouragement too!

  2. I hope work goes okay, it so tough isn’t it! Oliver used to do sing and sign and we loved it! good luck with slimming world I have heard really good things about it!
    Becky xx

    • Thanks. Work wasn’t too bad this week. I think they’d forgotten about me coming back, so there wasn’t anything for me to do…next week will be the real test!

  3. Oh I hope work has been going well! It is hard going back after such a long time off but eventually you find a new routine.
    Lol at the fluff and dust- I know all about that, G used to enjoy chomping on dust and I would have to fish it out of her mouth! Bleugh!!!
    You say you didn’t do anything for you- but tell the truth- you loved Tangled too didn’t you 😉 xxx
    Thank you for joining in with our #HappyDaysLinky!

    • Ha ha! Yes, I do like Tangled. Pumpkin has watched it SEVERAL times this week though (it helped to keep her quiet while I worked), so I’m getting a little tired of it. 🙂 Also, what in the world makes babies think that floor fluff should be eaten, but not the food you give them? They’re such strange little creatures!

  4. Nooooo! I hope going back to work has gone well! It’s so tough 🙁 Make the most of the baby cuddles!

    Thanks for linking up to #TWTWC xx

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