The week that was: captured – 26/10/14

TWTWC topper

I really love writing these posts each Sunday – they give me a chance to reflect back on the week we had and I love making my little collage every week.

Sometimes it can be really hard to choose just nine pictures – and this was one of those weeks. I could easily have used twice as many spaces in the template! But, that’s also what I like about this – it makes me really think about which pictures to choose. It’s like distilling the week!

I’m actually thinking about going back and doing one of these for every week since Pumpkin was born. Hmmm… maybe when I have some ‘free’ time.

Our week in photos

1. Giving kisses to the ‘baby in the window’ at Mini Montessori; 2. Crawling forwards for the first time; 3. First trip to the dentist; 4. Trying to take Daddy-man’s tequila; 5. Watching the world go by from the train; 6. Riding on Daddy-man’s shoulders for the first time; 7. Cheeky monkey! 8. Swirly cookies; 9. The happiest Tube-rider in London (on the way to the Baby Show)


Last week’s goals

I actually managed to get some baking done. I’m trying out some recipes using the new Angel Delight Bubblegum flavour for a review. I’m really pleased with how my Bubblegum Pinwheel cookies turned out (recipe to come) and most of Hubby’s colleagues enjoyed them too.

Out and about

We had a very busy week. Monday was Pumpkin’s first dentist appointment. On Tuesday, we spent the morning waiting for the courier to come and pick up our Music Magpie collection. Wednesday was an early trip to Mini Montessori where Pumpkin almost figured out crawling and made friends with “the other baby in the window” (her reflection). Thursday was Sing and Sign and Friday was a trip to The Baby Show.

Fun at home

We didn’t spend much time at home this week, but Pumpkin did finally figure out how to crawl forwards, so we spent a good bit of time in the hallway enticing her to come to us.

Time for me

My poor blog has suffered this week, but I’m feeling much better. I’ve gone to bed around nine or ten three nights this week and even had a nice long bath on not one but TWO occasions.

My happiest moment

Definitely when Daddy-man got home on Thursday night and Pumpkin crawled to him!

Next week I would like to try

It’s my last week of maternity leave (sob), so I’m going to try to make the most of it. That means getting to bed at a reasonable hour, trying to catch up on any outstanding blog posts and spending lots of time cuddling the baby on the sofa.

I’ll be working from home – and only two days a week, thanks to all the holiday time I’ve accrued over the last nine months – so hopefully it won’t be too bad going back. Still, I want to have a good and relaxing week!


5 Comments on "The week that was: captured – 26/10/14"

  1. Wow you’ve had a really busy week! I love the photo of Pumpkin kissing her reflection.

    Those pinwheel cookies look amazing! I’m looking forward to seeing your recipe pop up on my Bloglovin’ feed. 🙂

  2. Well done on the two baths- I am very jealous! Also jealous about the early nights- I cannot remember the last time I went to bed early.
    That is great you get to work from home, although I guess it is pretty difficult to keep focused and not slip back into normal ‘home habits’. Have you tried picmonkey for collages? You can have as many photos as you like if you struggle to stick to 9 🙂
    Thanks for joining in #HappyDaysLinky xx

  3. Those pinwheel cookies look amazing, so inviting!

    Yay, well done Pumpkin crawling forward!! 😀

    Ah, I could so do with some early nights – I’m terrible for staying up way past my bedtime!

    Thanks for sharing your #happydays with us.

    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

  4. Those pinwheels look so fab! Love the kissing photo – super cute!

    Thanks for linking up to #TWTWC xx

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