Wicked Wednesdays: selfie fail

wicked wednesday topper

We went to Greenwich Market last week and managed this horrendous mummy-and-baby-selfie FAIL.


  1. Strange man photobombing us – he doesn’t look happy.
  2. My face. What’s going on with my face?
  3. Baby looks okay… if you ignore her blurry hands that look like scary Wolverine claws of doom.

Must try harder.


18 Comments on "Wicked Wednesdays: selfie fail"

  1. Hahaha still a cute selfie though. 🙂

  2. If only that man had smiled, it would have been a lovely photo! 🙂

  3. Ha! Love that man’s face. He kind of looks familiar…weird

  4. Lol, I love your comments. Yes that man doesn’t look too happy behind you but your little one does look very happy 🙂

    • I know, right!? You’d think that being surrounded by all the amazingness of Greenwich Market, EVERYONE would be smiling!

  5. You both look lovely! 🙂 If only the grumpy guts behind you had been smiling.

  6. hahaha, the claw! Bless her! And you mean that man wasn’t supposed to be there? lol x

  7. Oh dear, well as you say at least the baby was smiling! #WickedWednesdays

  8. Mum and baby selfies are bloody hard! I think I’ve taken one good one in my whole year of being a mummy! Ah well!
    I actually think the weird man and the wolverine claws make the picture! 🙂

    • We used to be really good at selfies but she has decided she doesn’t want to look at the camera anymore. Oh well. The claws and weird man do at least make the photo interesting. 🙂

  9. I thought Ah the baby looks cute till you mentioned the hands of doom! And who is that man?! Ha. Brilliant stuff! Thanks so much for linking up to #wickedwednesdays bab and I hope to see you this week! xxx

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