Wicked Wednesday: messy

wicked wednesday topper

The baby hasn’t moved into her room yet – one reason is that the laundry keeps taking over.

Wicked Wednesday

Where does it all come from??? Is it breeding?

I have to admit, I tidied up a bit before I took this photo. Yes, it was even worse – but I just couldn’t bear posting how it REALLY looked. So thanks, Wicked Wednesdays, for inspiring me to do at least a little bit of cleaning. 🙂


Wicked Wednesdays is a weekly linky hosted by Brummy Mummy of Two. It embraces the fact that life doesn’t always look like Pinterest boards and Instagram perfection. “Sometimes our kids look snotty, our meals look bloody horrible and the only view we have is our children fighting in front of Peppa Pig on the TV” – so let’s laugh about it, because the only other option is to cry.

12 Comments on "Wicked Wednesday: messy"

  1. Flipping never ending isn’t it? x

  2. If you find out where it all comes from let me know! My ironing basket just had triplets and despite doing one basket of ironing last weekend I seem to have just as much as when I started.

    • Oh, I gave up ironing years ago. Life’s too short. 🙂 I suppose I’ll probably have to start again when Pumpkin heads off to school (do they make non-iron uniforms? I’d pay more for that luxury!)

  3. This reminds me of my kitchen and the never ending pile of dirty dishes. One day we’ll get a dishwasher so I can just hide it all 🙂 #WickedWednesdays

    • Our dishwasher was one of the best things we ever bought. I daresay it even helped our marriage (since it drastically reduced the arguments over doing the dishes). It’s just a little countertop one, but it’s amazing how much I can fit in!

  4. I watch an episode of Hoarders and it always gives me incentive to clean, purge, and organize!

    • Hoarders has the same effect on me. (I hope you’re not comparing my inability to do laundry to a case study on Hoarders though!!!) 🙂

  5. Washing and ironing are two of my most hated tasks. I swear somebody else is coming into this house and adding all of theirs to my pile and getting it done for free… #wickedwednesdays

  6. I bloody LOVE you tidied up before hand! This made me giggle lots bab. My washing never ever ends. And you know what? It has actually made me cry before and that is pathetic! Thanks so much for linking up with #wickedwednesdays and I hope to see you next week! xxx

    • I don’t think crying over a mountain of laundry is pathetic at all. I’ve probably been close a couple of times, and I’m sure things will only get worse as Pumpkin gets older! Thanks for hosting #wickedwednesdays! I’ll deffo be back. 🙂

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