Wicked Wednesdays: baby noms

wicked wednesday topper

Two weeks ago, it was the bathtub plug.

These days, as far as Pumpkin is concerned, the only toy better than the door stopper is Mummy’s grubby shoe.


Please ignore the bag of nappies hanging from the door.

Other current favourites include: an empty glasses case, the Tommee Tippee care kit, an almost empty tube of beauty balm, a hair claw, an empty tub of Ben and Jerry’s, our grumpy cat statue and the little string hanging off the top corner of that cushion.


Good grief, what does that collection of stuff say about me?

Anyway, I’d like to point out that I do buy actual toys for my daughter.


That toy remote control? Yeah, she knows it’s not the real thing and does not appreciate being fobbed off with a cheap imitation.

See? Look at all of them! But she knows what she wants.


I totally did not photoshop shelf dust out of this picture.

And yes, I did manage to wrestle the shoe away from her before she put it in her mouth. Just.

I even washed her hands after I put the shoes out of reach.

Gads, children do gross things!



12 Comments on "Wicked Wednesdays: baby noms"

  1. Lol kids hey, my youngest is exactly the same where shoes are concerned.xx

  2. Oscars favourite toy and I mean absolute favourite, at that age was an empty M&S mini chocolate roll tub. Seriously what is wrong with these children 😉

  3. Oh yes, my youngest is just the same. At the moment she likes to chew on the string that attaches to various pullalong toys but shoes have been quite popular too! And I have found myself telling my eldest at various times “Take that out of your mouth. You’re not a puppy!”

  4. Aaaw bless that gorgeous pumpkin. Wait till she gets to your kitchen cupboards and bangs all the pans! 😉

    • She has already figured that she can grab the pots and pans when I open the cupboard – and she loves them! Luckily, she hasn’t sussed the actual opening-of-cupboards. Yet.

  5. keys. my little one likes keys and sticking them in his mouth. these kids of ours are really somethin’, aren’t they? lol

  6. My girls still love playing with things which are not toys…..lol

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