Nooo keeeessesssss!

A little blast from the past. She was about three months old here and, apparently, not happy about kisses or selfies.
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And you’re giving her no choice. lol
Still a lovely photo of you together though. x
I have tonnes of pics like this!!!!
I’m glad I’m not the only one!
Aww! Bless her! Doesn’t look like she has much of a say in it
Lol. She enjoyed it. Really.
Cute nonetheless! #wickedwednesday
aww too cute!
My wee one used to be like that, I thought it was cute but she’s no 18months and won’t come near us for a kiss without a fight! Too independent of her own good
Aww. I wonder if Pumpkin will be like that too. She’s already more independent than I’d like and she’s not even 10 months old!
Tehehe, still a very cute picture even though she wasn’t so keen on the mummy smooches!! x
That is the cutest picture!! I miss having a baby and them pulling faces like that xx
Oh bless her, love her face in this photo – so cute
haha, that’s a great picture! x
I have a lot of shots like this from both of my loons! How dare they not want a kiss from their Mum? Sods! Thanks so much for linking up to #wickedwednesdays and I hope to see you this week! x
Ha! Right? I feel like saying to her (okay, so I *have* said this to her): “Look, child, I carried you for nine months and the doctors wouldn’t let me have any pain medication when I squeezed you out. So you WILL take kisses from me.”
Aww so lovely x