Wicked Wednesdays: baby jail, day 169

wicked wednesday topper

Baby jail. Day 169.

My captors have proven to be reasonably kind, providing me with entertainment, sustenance and clothing.

Lilleplut the tabby cat keeps me company most days, but I fear for the safety of the duck, Dandelion. It has been more than a week since my captors placed him in a basket, and unceremoniously placed him in a shelf under the screen with the moving images.

What foul action is he accused of that warrants a stint in solitary confinement? I shudder to think.

Baby jail, squishy face

Lately, I’ve taken to making faces at my captors through the mesh walls of my prison cell.

The first time I did this, I was pleading to be set free. It did not work, but they found my actions humorous. So I continue to do it, in the hope that my comedy keeps them friendly towards me, thus avoiding the same fate as Dandelion.



17 Comments on "Wicked Wednesdays: baby jail, day 169"

  1. Aaaàh what a little cutie pie! I hope your captors soon see the error of their ways and set you free cutie pie.xx

  2. hahaha! This made me laugh out loud….So funny and cute x

  3. We had a wooden playpen and you just used to see flailing arms poking through the sides hahaha

  4. Free the Pumpkin! LOL!

    Great photos Shannon. Who can resist such cuteness for long. 🙂

  5. A lovely story to go with the cute photos =P #WickedWednesdays

  6. Free the super cute little person 🙂 x

  7. haha brilliant! We also have a baby prisoner and have some very similar photos! x

  8. Ha ha ha ha! Oh god mine used to go psycho in these. I could never keep them captive! Sods! Thanks so much for linking up to #wickedwednesdays this week and I can’t wait to see you again this week x

    • Well, she doesn’t tend to stay captive for long. Just when Mummy needs a break or to cook dinner or something. Baby jail + Frozen = calm Mummy with dinner on the table. 🙂 Thanks for the linky!

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