Wicked Wednesdays: fetch!

wicked wednesday topper

I’m torn about Pumpkin’s latest discovery.

On one hand, I think: “Wow, look how clever my little girl is. She has figured out how to take stuff with her when she’s crawling.”


On the other hand, I think: “Oh look. Now it’s like I have the puppy I’ve always wanted.”


11 Comments on "Wicked Wednesdays: fetch!"

  1. Aww she’s so beautiful, even when carrying things around in her mouth! x

  2. LOL! She looks adorable even with a mouthful of toy. 🙂

  3. I say genius =) #wickedwednesday

  4. Lol, love your comments. Yes very clever, but definitely quite like a puppy too! 🙂

  5. Aww, she looks so cute, even doing a puppy impression! I love the Christmas pudding outfit too =) x

  6. She gets prettier every day.

  7. haha, she’s so cute – you could always teach her fetch, it might come in useful! xx

  8. She is so cute, I love the onesie too, very festive.

  9. I loved this on instagram! It made me smile. She looks like the cutest puppy in the world! Thanks for linking up and I hope to see you again this week for #wickedwednesdays! xxx

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