Waiting for a bus can be boring, but Pumpkin has found a way to fill the time.

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I remember being able to do that! Enjoy it while you can Pumpkin! #WickedWednesdays
I miss the days when I could have done that! At least it saves you from finding entertainment at the bus stop
Lol. Yes, it’s always good when she can entertain herself.
Get a pamper session in where you can, eh ladies? Ray xx http://lukeosaurusandme.co.uk #wickedwednesdays
She looks so calm and content there! #wickedwednesdays
lol. the calm before the storm…
Haha brilliant! Baby B also loves chewing on her toes….! so gross but totally hilarious too!
X Becca #wickedwednesdays
Exactly! You don’t know whether to say “ewww” or laugh about it.
Haha love it!! How toddlers can get their feet in their mouths is beyond me xx
Lol. They’re so bendy!
Bless her. My daughter’s always doing that too. It’s been a long time since I’ve been that flexible lol x x
Me too!
Haha, so cute! It always amazes me that kids can get their feet in their mouths, I don’t think I’ve ever been that flexible! x
Heh. Yes, it’s amazing… but also begs the question: whyyyy?
I have a sister who still does that and she’s 25! Makes me shudder at the thought of having a foot in my mouth, even if it is my own, lol x
Well done to your sister for still being so flexible… but, thats also gross.
how funny!!! I wish I could get my foot to my mouth but not to bite my toes, lol! #wickedwednesday x
Heh. It would be nice to be that flexible.
Oh god what’s with the foot! Mine do it all the time?! Thanks so much for linking up to #wickedwednesdays and I hope to see you again this week! x
Right!? It’s not like she doesn’t have plenty of other things to chew on. Kids are weird.
Thanks for the linky!
My guys don’t do this. Nope instead they chew each others…and that my friend is a true story!!! Scruffs!!!
Popping by with a (very late!) Comment from #WickedWednesdays
eeeeeew!Bwa ha ha ha! That’s gross, but hilarious. You need to get that in a photo for a #WickedWednesdays post!