Wicked Wednesdays: bus stop pedi

wicked wednesday topper

Waiting for a bus can be boring, but Pumpkin has found a way to fill the time.



24 Comments on "Wicked Wednesdays: bus stop pedi"

  1. I remember being able to do that! Enjoy it while you can Pumpkin! #WickedWednesdays

  2. I miss the days when I could have done that! At least it saves you from finding entertainment at the bus stop 😉 #wickedwednesday

  3. Get a pamper session in where you can, eh ladies? Ray xx http://lukeosaurusandme.co.uk #wickedwednesdays

  4. She looks so calm and content there! #wickedwednesdays

  5. Haha brilliant! Baby B also loves chewing on her toes….! so gross but totally hilarious too!

    X Becca #wickedwednesdays

  6. Haha love it!! How toddlers can get their feet in their mouths is beyond me xx

  7. Bless her. My daughter’s always doing that too. It’s been a long time since I’ve been that flexible lol x x

  8. Haha, so cute! It always amazes me that kids can get their feet in their mouths, I don’t think I’ve ever been that flexible! x

  9. I have a sister who still does that and she’s 25! Makes me shudder at the thought of having a foot in my mouth, even if it is my own, lol x

  10. how funny!!! I wish I could get my foot to my mouth but not to bite my toes, lol! #wickedwednesday x

  11. Oh god what’s with the foot! Mine do it all the time?! Thanks so much for linking up to #wickedwednesdays and I hope to see you again this week! x

  12. My guys don’t do this. Nope instead they chew each others…and that my friend is a true story!!! Scruffs!!!

    Popping by with a (very late!) Comment from #WickedWednesdays

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