Wicked Wednesdays: squishy

wicked wednesday topper

I leave her alone with Daddy-man for not even 30 seconds and this is what happens.



She had gotten into the tub of nappy cream.WW-2Apparently it made a GREAT sound as she squished it between her fingers.

It was a &@$%@£$ to get off.


22 Comments on "Wicked Wednesdays: squishy"

  1. My son did that once and it got everywhere. It took me bloody ages to clean it up lol xx

  2. lol i love her expression! what mom? 🙂

  3. Wahhhhhhhhhh look at that face – so innocent – “Me? Get into the nappy cream? I have no idea what you’re talking about”…. cute! #wickedwednesdays

  4. hahaha! Ohh dear! She looks so innocent though x

  5. Really hard to get off esp in the nail part! Needless to say I am speaking from experience =P


  6. Still so cute. Bet her hands were even softer than normal! 😉

  7. Tut-tut naughty daddy for not having eyes in the back of his head like mummy.xx

  8. Oh no. I thought it was bad enough when my daughter poked her fingers in her bits lol just after putting the cream on her but this takes it to a whole new level lol!

    Rebecca x x

  9. Hehe lots of fun and lots of mess!

  10. My youngest tries to get in the nappy cream all the time. It’s awful stuff! Xx

  11. Oh god and that stuff is a NIGHTMARE to get off! Thanks so much for linking up to #wickedwednesdays. I hope you had a fab bank holiday and I hope to see you again this week! x

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