Don’t get me wrong: when I first found out I was pregnant, I was ecstatic. I was ready, if not crazy-nervous about becoming a mother. Meanwhile, my husband didn’t stop smiling for at least a week. A little human-being to share our lives with was just what we wanted – although I quickly realised that I could have done without the morning sickness.
When I call myself a “once-reluctant mommy-blogger,” it’s the “blogger” part that I was first hesitant about. I mean, let’s face it, the market is already full – overflowing really.
“Does the world really need one more woman spouting off online about her journey through motherhood?” I asked myself when I first considered starting a blog – back before my bump was even vaguely visible. The answer I heard in my head was a resounding “No.”
So, fine. I decided to leave the mommy blogging to the masses already doing it. I set my keyboard to the side and decided my time would be better spent enjoying sleep while it was still an option.
Fast-forward nine-and-a-bit months, and here I am starting a blog. So what changed? Well, three things really.
First of all, I realised that I had a lot to say about parenting, motherhood and a variety of other topics too. I like to think my stories are unique enough and my writing voice interesting enough that I can gain a few followers, provide a slightly different view and maybe generate a few giggles.
Second, I decided that I want to have a place where I can write about all the things that happen to me and my little family, as well as all the nonsense that goes through my head on a daily basis. Someday, when she’s old enough, maybe my little girl can go back and read the blog herself. And, when I’m old and weary I’ll be able to better remember this period of my life.
Finally – and here’s a bit of full-disclosure – as my day-job-before-I-became-a-mother was that of a writer for an SEO/news/marketing agency, I really want to establish myself as a freelancer during the course of my maternity leave. I think starting and maintaining a blog will be the first step of this process.
So, if you’re still reading – thanks for getting this far. I promise future posts will be a bit more entertaining and that the look of this thing will improve as I figure out how my template works.
Meanwhile, I’d love to hear your advice about what makes a good/bad mommy-blog. What do you like/dislike? Are there any pitfalls I should avoid? Leave your suggestions in the comments below.
Hi Shannon, Congrats again on becoming a mummy, your daughter is adorable.
I look forward to reading your blog
Thanks, Joni! How are you and your little one? He must be big now!
Lovely you are starting a blog Shannon. Wish I had done something like this. I think the best ones are where you share reality. Sleepless nights, nappy mishaps, baby achievements and your reactions. Also useful things read, found etc. Some balance. Motherhood has highs and lows and it is those that reflect this that people will return to.
There is a fab blogger local to me, little miss adventures, where she reviews local attractions etc that is useful .
Good luck
Hi Claire, thanks for the suggestions – that’s pretty much what I had planned for the blog, but it’s good to hear that other people agree with me! I’ll definitely have a look at the blogger you mentioned too. I love learning from what others have done.
I never thought I would forget a moment of my babies’ lives. However 35 and 24 years later, I’m forgetting details. I’m so glad for keeping baby books and journals so if someday I can’t remember two of the best times of my life, there is a record for me and for them.
We got a baby book a couple weeks ago, and I was already having difficulty remembering a few details. I definitely think I’ll be glad I did this in the future!